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English translation of pensée


The French translation for 'thought' is 'pensée'. It is a feminine noun in French. It may refer to the act of thinking, a specific idea or consideration, or the mind’s capacity for intellectual activity in general. Depending on context, it might also mean opinion or judgment. It is used much like the English 'thought', as in the expression 'Je t'aime plus que tu ne le penses' which means 'I love you more than you think'.

Example sentences using: pensée

La pensée peut être puissante.

English translation of La pensée peut être puissante.

Thought can be powerful.

This statement uses 'pensée' to mean 'thought', stating that it can be powerful.

La pensée humaine est complexe.

English translation of La pensée humaine est complexe.

Human thought is complex.

This sentence is simply expressing the inherent complexity of human thought. 'Pensée' in French can mean 'thought' or 'thinking'.

J'ai acheté une belle plante de pensée.

English translation of J'ai acheté une belle plante de pensée.

I bought a beautiful pansy plant.

In this context, 'pensée' is a type of flowering plant, commonly known as 'pansy' in English.

Sa profonde pensée a développé une solution.

English translation of Sa profonde pensée a développé une solution.

His profound thought developed a solution.

Here, 'pensée' is used to indicate the process of thinking which led to the development of a solution.

Chaque pensée est précieuse.

English translation of Chaque pensée est précieuse.

Each thought is precious.

In this sentence, 'pensée' is used to stress the importance of every single thought.

Pensée du jour: Le changement est inévitable.

English translation of Pensée du jour: Le changement est inévitable.

Thought of the day: Change is inevitable.

'Pensée du jour' means 'thought of the day', a common phrase where 'pensée' is used to share daily wisdom or inspiration.

La pensée critique est un bon alignement pour la réussite.

English translation of La pensée critique est un bon alignement pour la réussite.

Critical thinking is a good alignment for success.

This phrase uses 'pensée' to refer to 'critical thinking', highlighting its importance for success.

Il faut contrôler la pensée négative.

English translation of Il faut contrôler la pensée négative.

Negative thinking needs to be controlled.

Here, 'pensée' is used to refer to 'thinking', emphasizing the need to control one's negative thoughts.

C'est une pensée fascinante.

English translation of C'est une pensée fascinante.

That's a fascinating thought.

In this context, 'pensée' refers to a particular thought that is fascinating.

Sa pensée se trouve dans sa musique.

English translation of Sa pensée se trouve dans sa musique.

His thought is found in his music.

This sentence uses 'pensée' to indicate that the person's thoughts or ideas are expressed or embodied in their music.

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