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English translation of pauvre


The French word 'pauvre' is used similarly to the English 'poor'. It can refer both to a lack of wealth or resources, as in 'the poor person', or 'la personne pauvre', but can also be used metaphorically to indicate sympathy or pity, such as 'the poor thing', or 'le pauvre'. Just as in English, context is important to understand the intended meaning of 'pauvre' in French.

Example sentences using: pauvre

Ils vivent dans un quartier pauvre.

English translation of Ils vivent dans un quartier pauvre.

They live in a poor neighborhood.

Here, 'pauvre' is used to describe the socioeconomic status of the neighborhood.

Il est pauvre, mais heureux.

English translation of Il est pauvre, mais heureux.

He is poor, but happy.

In this sentence, 'pauvre' is translated as 'poor'. We are using it here to describe the financial status of a person, emphasizing that he is happy despite his lack of wealth.

Cette pauvre femme a perdu son travail.

English translation of Cette pauvre femme a perdu son travail.

This poor woman has lost her job.

In this context, 'pauvre' is used to express sympathy for the woman who has lost her job. It can be translated as 'unfortunate' or 'pitiable'.

Il mène une vie de pauvre.

English translation of Il mène une vie de pauvre.

He leads a poor life.

In this instance, 'pauvre' is used to describe the poor or meagre quality of the person's life.

N'agis pas comme un pauvre idiot.

English translation of N'agis pas comme un pauvre idiot.

Don't act like a poor idiot.

In this context, 'pauvre' is used to demean someone, emphasizing their foolishness.

C'est un pays pauvre en ressources naturelles.

English translation of C'est un pays pauvre en ressources naturelles.

It's a country poor in natural resources.

'Pauvre' used here to highlight the lack of natural resources in the country.

Il est pauvre en vitamines.

English translation of Il est pauvre en vitamines.

It is poor in vitamins.

In this context, 'pauvre' is used to describe the low vitamin content of an item.

Son roman a reçu de pauvres critiques.

English translation of Son roman a reçu de pauvres critiques.

His novel received poor reviews.

Here, 'pauvre' is used to describe the low quality or negative nature of the reviews.

Il se considère toujours comme le pauvre petit garçon d'autrefois.

English translation of Il se considère toujours comme le pauvre petit garçon d'autrefois.

He still considers himself the poor little boy from the past.

'Pauvre' is being used to generate a feeling of sympathy towards the subject's childhood condition.

Mon pauvre ami, tu as tellement souffert.

English translation of Mon pauvre ami, tu as tellement souffert.

My poor friend, you have suffered so much.

'Pauvre' is being used to express empathy or sympathy in this sentence.

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