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English translation of passer


The French word 'passer' is primarily used in the same way as the English word 'pass'. It can refer to the act of passing a physical object, passing by or through a location, or passing a point in time. Please note that the use of 'passer' can also vary depending on the context of the sentence or phrase.

Example sentences using: passer

Je vais passer à la bibliothèque plus tard.

English translation of Je vais passer à la bibliothèque plus tard.

I am going to pass by the library later.

In this example, 'passer' is used to indicate that the subject of the sentence intends to go somewhere as part of their journey. This can be translated to English as 'pass by' or 'go to'.

Peux-tu passer le sel, s'il te plaît?

English translation of Peux-tu passer le sel, s'il te plaît?

Can you pass the salt, please?

'Passer' can simply mean 'to pass' an object from one person to another. In this context, it is being used to request the salt at a meal.

Il faut passer du temps avec les personnes que tu aimes.

English translation of Il faut passer du temps avec les personnes que tu aimes.

You have to spend time with the people you love.

'Passer' can also mean 'to spend' when talking about time. In this sentence, advice is being given about the importance of spending time with loved ones.

Je pense passer l'examen la semaine prochaine.

English translation of Je pense passer l'examen la semaine prochaine.

I plan to take the exam next week.

In this context, 'passer' means to take an exam. This does not have any implications on success or failure, just on the act of taking the test itself.

Tu as passé le courage à ton fils.

English translation of Tu as passé le courage à ton fils.

You have passed the courage to your son.

Here, 'passer' means to transmit, to give or to pass something to someone. This usage suggests that courage was passed onto or inherited by the son.

Nous devons passer cette épreuve ensemble.

English translation of Nous devons passer cette épreuve ensemble.

We must go through this trial together.

'Passer' in this context means to go through or overcome something. Here, it's used to express the idea of surpassing a difficult situation together.

Le bus vient de passer.

English translation of Le bus vient de passer.

The bus just went by.

Here, 'passer' is used to indicate movement past a particular location. The English equivalent is 'went by' or 'has gone past'.

Elle a passé une nuit blanche à étudier.

English translation of Elle a passé une nuit blanche à étudier.

She spent a sleepless night studying.

'Passer' is used here to mean 'spent' in relation to time. It suggests a total investment of time in an activity.

J'espère passer un bon moment à la fête.

English translation of J'espère passer un bon moment à la fête.

I hope to have a good time at the party.

In this example, 'passer' is used to express the hope of experiencing ('having') a good time at the party.

Je vais passer mon week-end à la maison.

English translation of Je vais passer mon week-end à la maison.

I'm going to spend my weekend at home.

In this context, again 'passer' is used to indicate 'spending' time, and is similar in use to 'to spend' in English.

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