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English translation of partir


The French verb 'partir' stands for 'leave' in English. It can be used in several contexts such as when someone is departing from a location, or sometimes used figuratively to say goodbye. Just like other French verbs, it should be conjugated according to the subject and tense.

Example sentences using: partir

Je dois partir maintenant.

English translation of Je dois partir maintenant.

I have to leave now.

This phrase uses 'partir' in its most basic sense to indicate that the speaker has to go or leave at the present moment.

Elle va partir en vacances.

English translation of Elle va partir en vacances.

She is going to go on vacation.

This sentence uses 'partir' in the context of going on a trip or vacation. The use of 'va' indicates a future action.

N'oublie pas de partir tôt.

English translation of N'oublie pas de partir tôt.

Don't forget to leave early.

In this instance, 'partir' has been used to advise or remind someone to leave early for a particular event or appointment.

Quand vas-tu partir ?

English translation of Quand vas-tu partir ?

When are you going to leave?

This phrase is a question using 'partir', asking about the time of someone's departure.

On ne peut pas partir sans toi.

English translation of On ne peut pas partir sans toi.

We can't leave without you.

This usage of 'partir' expresses a sentiment where one or more people do not want to leave a place without a particular person.

Il a décidé de partir.

English translation of Il a décidé de partir.

He decided to leave.

In this context, 'partir' is used to express the act of leaving as a personal decision made by the subject of the sentence.

Elle est partie hier.

English translation of Elle est partie hier.

She left yesterday.

Here, 'partie' is the past participle form of 'partir', used to denote a past action that has been completed - in this case, the act of leaving.

Pourquoi veux-tu partir ?

English translation of Pourquoi veux-tu partir ?

Why do you want to leave?

This sentence poses a question using 'partir', asking for the reason behind one's desire to leave.

Il faut partir avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.

English translation of Il faut partir avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.

We must leave before it is too late.

In this sentence, 'partir' is being used to express urgency and the necessity to leave before given time or condition.

Je suis prêt à partir.

English translation of Je suis prêt à partir.

I am ready to leave.

This final phrase uses 'partir' to show one's readiness to embark or leave for a journey or a task.

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