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English translation of particulièrement


The French word 'particulièrement' is an adverb which is directly synonymous with the English word 'especially'. It is often used to highlight something particular, often with a sense of singling out or talking about what is exceptional or high importance. Just like in English, it can be used to introduce a case in point or specify a particular situation in a sentence.

Example sentences using: particulièrement

Je suis particulièrement satisfait de ce travail.

English translation of Je suis particulièrement satisfait de ce travail.

I am particularly satisfied with this work.

In this example, 'particulièrement' is used as an adverb to increase the intensity of the adjective 'satisfait' which means satisfied. It expresses the strong satisfaction of the speaker about a certain work.

Il faisait particulièrement chaud cet après-midi.

English translation of Il faisait particulièrement chaud cet après-midi.

It was particularly hot this afternoon.

Here, 'particulièrement' is used to emphasize the intensity of the temperature that afternoon implying that it was hotter than the normal expectation.

Le dessert était particulièrement délicieux.

English translation of Le dessert était particulièrement délicieux.

The dessert was particularly delicious.

In this sentence, 'particulièrement' is used to express the high degree of deliciousness of the dessert implying that it exceeded usual standards.

C'est un film particulièrement intéressant.

English translation of C'est un film particulièrement intéressant.

It's a particularly interesting movie.

The adverb 'particulièrement' is used here to intensify the adjective 'intéressant' (interesting), suggesting that the movie is distinctly or unusually interesting.

Elle est particulièrement douée pour le dessin.

English translation of Elle est particulièrement douée pour le dessin.

She is particularly good at drawing.

In this example, 'particulièrement' is used to show a high level of the woman's drawing skill, suggesting she stands out specifically in this area.

Cet hiver est particulièrement froid.

English translation of Cet hiver est particulièrement froid.

This winter is particularly cold.

Here, 'particulièrement' is used to intensify the coldness of the winter, suggesting it's colder than what is usually experienced.

Il est particulièrement attentif aux détails.

English translation of Il est particulièrement attentif aux détails.

He is particularly attentive to details.

In this sentence, 'particulièrement' is used to emphasize the person's strong attention to detail, implying it is more intense than for most other people.

Elle critiquait particulièrement son comportement.

English translation of Elle critiquait particulièrement son comportement.

She particularly criticized his behavior.

Here, 'particulièrement' is used to show that the woman focused her criticism specifically on the man's behavior, more than other potential aspects.

Ce livre est particulièrement utile pour les débutants.

English translation of Ce livre est particulièrement utile pour les débutants.

This book is particularly useful for beginners.

In this example, 'particulièrement' is used to express a high degree of usefulness of the book specifically for beginners, suggesting it stands out among other books for these readers.

C'est une plante qui nécessite particulièrement peu d'eau.

English translation of C'est une plante qui nécessite particulièrement peu d'eau.

It is a plant that particularly requires little water.

Here, 'particulièrement' is used to stress on the plant's low need for water, suggesting it needs less water than most other plants.

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