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English translation of partenaire


The term 'partenaire' is used to refer to a partner. It can mean a romantic partner, business partner or even an activity partner.

Example sentences using: partenaire

Mon partenaire préféré dans le film était le protagoniste.

English translation of Mon partenaire préféré dans le film était le protagoniste.

My favorite partner in the movie was the protagonist.

In this sentence, 'partenaire' is used to refer to a character in the film who plays a significant role, the protagonist. Partner can refer to a close association in any context, it doesn't have to be a love interest.

Chaque film d’action a un partenaire héros.

English translation of Chaque film d’action a un partenaire héros.

Every action movie has a hero partner.

In this context, 'partenaire' is used to refer to a hero who is a significant character in an action movie.

J'aime regarder des films avec mon partenaire.

English translation of J'aime regarder des films avec mon partenaire.

I love watching movies with my partner.

Here, 'partenaire' is used to refer to a life or romantic partner. The term can be used casually, similar to 'partner' in English when referring to a significant other.

Le partenaire du personnage principal était son ami d'enfance.

English translation of Le partenaire du personnage principal était son ami d'enfance.

The main character's partner was his childhood friend.

In this sentence, 'partenaire' translates to 'partner' indirectly refers to a close, associate figure in someone's life.

Le film illustrait la relation complexe entre les deux partenaires.

English translation of Le film illustrait la relation complexe entre les deux partenaires.

The movie depicted the complex relationship between the two partners.

'Partenaires' can also be used to refer to two or more people who share or participate in the same activities, such as in a film's plot or story.

Le partenaire de l'actrice était très talentueux.

English translation of Le partenaire de l'actrice était très talentueux.

The actress's partner was very talented.

'Partenaire' can be used to refer to a counterpart or associate in a film, such as a film's leading actor or actress.

Le partenaire de danse du héros dans le film était exceptionnel.

English translation of Le partenaire de danse du héros dans le film était exceptionnel.

The hero's dance partner in the movie was outstanding.

'Partenaire de danse' is a specific kind of 'partenaire', which translates to 'dance partner'. This is used in the context of performance, such as that in a film scene.

Les partenaires du film ont tourné pendant six mois.

English translation of Les partenaires du film ont tourné pendant six mois.

The film's partners filmed for six months.

In the context of a movie production, 'partenaires' can refer to those who work together on the film (for example, actors, directors, producers, etc.).

Mon partenaire et moi prévoyons de voir ce film ce weekend.

English translation of Mon partenaire et moi prévoyons de voir ce film ce weekend.

My partner and I plan to watch this movie this weekend.

'Mon partenaire' is used here to refer to your significant other, person you are dating or life partner.

Le réalisateur et son partenaire ont créé une pièce de cinéma magistrale.

English translation of Le réalisateur et son partenaire ont créé une pièce de cinéma magistrale.

The director and his partner created a masterful film piece.

Partenaire here refers to the director's collaborator or co-worker, with whom he has created a film.

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