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English translation of partager


The word 'partager' in French, translated to English as 'share', is used similarly as in English. It can be used to refer to the act of giving a portion of something to others, such as 'partager un repas' (share a meal). It can also describe sharing in a more abstract sense, like information or experiences.

Example sentences using: partager

Je voudrais partager un repas avec toi.

English translation of Je voudrais partager un repas avec toi.

I would like to share a meal with you.

This sentence is used when someone is expressing their wish to have a shared meal with another person. 'Je voudrais' means 'I would like', 'un repas' translates to 'a meal', and 'avec toi' means 'with you'.

Elle adore partager ses histoires avec nous.

English translation of Elle adore partager ses histoires avec nous.

She loves sharing her stories with us.

In this context, 'partager' is used to illustrate someone's habit of sharing something with other people. 'Elle adore' means 'she loves', 'ses histoires' translates to 'her stories', and 'avec nous' translates to 'with us'.

Il va partager son expérience au séminaire.

English translation of Il va partager son expérience au séminaire.

He will share his experience in the seminar.


Voulez-vous partager cette bouteille de vin avec moi?

English translation of Voulez-vous partager cette bouteille de vin avec moi?

Would you like to share this bottle of wine with me?

This is a polite way to ask someone if they want to share something, in this case, a bottle of wine. 'Voulez-vous' means 'Would you like', 'cette bouteille de vin' translates to 'this bottle of wine', and 'avec moi' stands for 'with me'.

Laissez-nous partager notre vision de l'avenir.

English translation of Laissez-nous partager notre vision de l'avenir.

Let us share our vision of the future.

This phrase could be used in context of sharing plans or ideas about the future. 'Laissez-nous' means 'let us', 'notre vision de' translates to 'our vision of', and 'l'avenir' stands for 'the future'.

Elles aiment partager leurs secrets entre elles.

English translation of Elles aiment partager leurs secrets entre elles.

They like to share their secrets among themselves.

Here, 'partager' is used in the context of sharing secrets within a group of people. 'Elles aiment' means 'they like', 'leurs secrets' translates to 'their secrets', and 'entre elles' refers to 'among themselves'.

Je veux partager ma vie avec toi.

English translation of Je veux partager ma vie avec toi.

I want to share my life with you.

This sentence is often used in a romantic context to express a desire to spend life with another person. 'Je veux' stands for 'I want', 'ma vie' means 'my life', and 'avec toi' corresponds to 'with you'.

Il n'aime pas partager ses jouets avec son frère.

English translation of Il n'aime pas partager ses jouets avec son frère.

He doesn't like sharing his toys with his brother.

In this sentence, the subject does not like to share something, in this case, toys, with someone else. 'Il n'aime pas' means 'he doesn't like', 'ses jouets' refers to 'his toys', and 'avec son frère' translates to 'with his brother'.

Nous avons décidé de partager les profits équitablement.

English translation of Nous avons décidé de partager les profits équitablement.

We've decided to share the profits fairly.

This sentence is about sharing the profits equally between parties. 'Nous avons décidé de' means 'we've decided to', 'les profits' translates to 'the profits', and 'équitablement' denotes 'fairly'.

Nous devons partager les responsabilités équitablement.

English translation of Nous devons partager les responsabilités équitablement.

We need to share the responsibilities fairly.

In this sentence, 'partager' is used to denote the division of responsibilities among a group. 'Nous devons' means 'we need to', 'les responsabilités' stands for 'the responsibilities', and 'équitablement' translates to 'fairly'.

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