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English translation of parmi


The French word 'parmi' translates to 'among' in English. It is typically used to indicate being included or involved in a larger group. The preposition 'parmi' can be used in different contexts to mean among or between when referring to a collective or group of people, things, or ideas.

Example sentences using: parmi

Il a cherché parmi les livres pour trouver le bon titre.

English translation of Il a cherché parmi les livres pour trouver le bon titre.

He searched among the books to find the right title.


La pomme est parmi les fruits dans le panier.

English translation of La pomme est parmi les fruits dans le panier.

The apple is among the fruits in the basket.

In this sentence, 'parmi' is used to express the position of the apple within a group or collection of fruits located in the basket.

Je suis parmi vous pour travailler ensemble.

English translation of Je suis parmi vous pour travailler ensemble.

I am among you to work together.

Here, 'parmi' is used to indicate the speaker's position amidst a group of people, with a shared intention of working together.

Il semble perdu parmi tant de gens.

English translation of Il semble perdu parmi tant de gens.

He seems lost among so many people.

Here, 'parmi' denotes the feeling of being lost or overwhelmed in a large group of people.

Elle est parmi les rares qui comprennent le problème.

English translation of Elle est parmi les rares qui comprennent le problème.

She is among the few who understand the problem.

In this case, 'parmi' is used to refer to the inclusion of a specific person in a smaller subset (the few who understand) of a larger group.

Parmi tous les cadeaux, j'ai aimé le vôtre le plus.

English translation of Parmi tous les cadeaux, j'ai aimé le vôtre le plus.

Among all the gifts, I liked yours the most.

'Parmi' here is used to specify that a preference was made among a larger collection of options, which are the received gifts in this case.

Il y a beaucoup de joie parmi les enfants pendant les vacances.

English translation of Il y a beaucoup de joie parmi les enfants pendant les vacances.

There is a lot of joy among the children during the holidays.

The use of 'parmi' in this sentence indicates the presence or distribution of an emotion (joy) within a specific group, which is children.

Parmi ces films, lequel avez-vous vu récemment?

English translation of Parmi ces films, lequel avez-vous vu récemment?

Among these films, which one have you seen recently?

'Parmi' here is used to ask about an action performed on one element within a group of items, in this case, the group being films.

Nous devons choisir parmi les options proposées.

English translation of Nous devons choisir parmi les options proposées.

We must choose among the options proposed.

'Parmi' in this sentence signifies the task of making a selection from a group or variety of proposed options.

Parmi ces artistes, qui est votre préféré?

English translation of Parmi ces artistes, qui est votre préféré?

Among these artists, who is your favorite?

In this question, 'parmi' is employed to refer to a choice or preference from within a specific group of artists.

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