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parce que

English translation of parce que


The French word 'parce que' is used similarly to the English 'because'. It's used to provide a reason or justification for something stated previously. Note that 'parce que' is two words in French, not one.

Example sentences using: parce que

Je suis content parce que c'est mon anniversaire.

English translation of Je suis content parce que c'est mon anniversaire.

I'm happy because it's my birthday.

This sentence indicates someone expressing their happiness and the reason for it which is their birthday. 'Parce que' is used here to join two linked ideas - the speaker's happiness and their birthday.

Il pleut parce que les nuages sont pleins.

English translation of Il pleut parce que les nuages sont pleins.

It's raining because the clouds are full.

This sentence describes a cause and effect scenario. 'Parce que' allows the speaker to connect the effect (it's raining) and the cause (the clouds are full).

Elle pleure parce qu'elle est triste.

English translation of Elle pleure parce qu'elle est triste.

She cries because she's sad.

In this sentence, 'parce que' is used to provide the reason for someone's behavior. This expresses the concept of cause and effect - the cause being the sadness and the effect being the crying.

Nous sommes en retard parce que le train était tard.

English translation of Nous sommes en retard parce que le train était tard.

We are late because the train was late.

In this sentence, 'parce que' is used as a conjunction to provide a reason/excuse for being late. The cause being the late train and the effect being their lateness.

Je vais à l'école parce que j'aime apprendre.

English translation of Je vais à l'école parce que j'aime apprendre.

I go to school because I love learning.

In this example, 'parce que' connects the action, going to school, with the speaker's desire to learn. It expresses the motivation behind an action.

Elle lit le livre parce qu'elle aime l'histoire.

English translation of Elle lit le livre parce qu'elle aime l'histoire.

She reads the book because she loves the story.

This sentence expresses a motivation behind an action. 'Parce que' connects the action (reading the book) and the motivation (loving the story).

J'ai mangé la pizza parce qu'elle était délicieuse.

English translation of J'ai mangé la pizza parce qu'elle était délicieuse.

I ate the pizza because it was delicious.

In this phrase, the speaker uses 'parce que' to give a reason for their past action. The cause was the pizza being delicious and the effect being it was eaten.

Il n'a pas dormi parce qu'il avait peur.

English translation of Il n'a pas dormi parce qu'il avait peur.

He didn't sleep because he was scared.

This sentence uses 'parce que' to give the reason why someone did not carry out an action (sleep). The cause was fear and the effect was lack of sleep.

Elle n'a pas fini son travail parce qu'elle était fatiguée.

English translation of Elle n'a pas fini son travail parce qu'elle était fatiguée.

She didn't finish her work because she was tired.

In this sentence, 'parce que' is used as a conjunction to connect the action (not finishing the work) and the reason behind this action (being tired).

Je suis heureux parce que je suis avec toi.

English translation of Je suis heureux parce que je suis avec toi.

I am happy because I am with you.

This sentence expresses someone's happiness by being with another person. 'Parce que' is used to link the emotion (happiness) and the reason for this emotion (being with someone).

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