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pain d'épices

English translation of pain d'épices


The French word 'pain d'épices' directly translates into 'spice bread', but it's used to indicate 'gingerbread' in English. This term is often used to describe a variety of baked goods that are flavored with ginger and a variety of other spices. It's associated with the holiday season in both cultures.

Example sentences using: pain d'épices

J'adore le goût unique du pain d'épices.

English translation of J'adore le goût unique du pain d'épices.

I love the unique taste of gingerbread.

In this sentence, the speaker expresses his love for the unique taste of gingerbread, which is referred to as 'pain d'épices' in French.

Ma mère fait le meilleur pain d'épices.

English translation of Ma mère fait le meilleur pain d'épices.

My mother makes the best gingerbread.

Here, the speaker praises his or her mother's skills in making gingerbread, referred to as 'pain d'épices' in French.

Le marché de Noël vend du pain d'épices.

English translation of Le marché de Noël vend du pain d'épices.

The Christmas market is selling gingerbread.

This sentence tells us that gingerbread ('pain d'épices') is being sold at the Christmas market.

J'ai acheté du pain d'épices pour le dessert.

English translation of J'ai acheté du pain d'épices pour le dessert.

I bought gingerbread for dessert.

In this sentence, the speaker describes purchasing gingerbread, or 'pain d'épices', to have as dessert.

J'aime boire du lait avec du pain d'épices.

English translation of J'aime boire du lait avec du pain d'épices.

I like to drink milk with gingerbread.

This sentence explains that the speaker enjoys accompanying gingerbread, referred to as 'pain d'épices' in French, with milk.

Le pain d'épices est parfait pour les fêtes.

English translation of Le pain d'épices est parfait pour les fêtes.

Gingerbread is perfect for the holidays.

The speaker suggests that gingerbread, known as 'pain d'épices' in French, is an ideal treat for holiday celebrations.

Le pain d'épices me rappelle mon enfance.

English translation of Le pain d'épices me rappelle mon enfance.

Gingerbread reminds me of my childhood.

In this phrase, the speaker reflects on how gingerbread, or 'pain d'épices', evokes childhood memories.

Le pain d'épices est délicieux avec du thé chaud.

English translation of Le pain d'épices est délicieux avec du thé chaud.

Gingerbread is delicious with hot tea.

This sentence highlights one way to enjoy gingerbread, or 'pain d'épices' -- with hot tea.

Je vais préparer du pain d'épices ce week-end.

English translation of Je vais préparer du pain d'épices ce week-end.

I will make gingerbread this weekend.

In this statement, the speaker plans to make gingerbread, called 'pain d'épices' in French, over the weekend.

Cette recette de pain d'épices est traditionnelle dans ma famille.

English translation of Cette recette de pain d'épices est traditionnelle dans ma famille.

This gingerbread recipe is traditional in my family.

Here, the speaker mentions a family tradition involving a recipe for gingerbread, or 'pain d'épices'.

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