French French

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in French.


The French term for 'medical' is 'médical'. It is broadly used in the same context as in English. It refers to anything related to medicine or the practice of medicine. In sentence, it could be used as 'Il travaille dans le domaine médical', which translates to 'He works in the medical field'.

Example sentences with  médical

The French word for 'best' is 'meilleur'. It is commonly used in sentences to describe something or someone as superior or of higher value compared to others. Please note that this word may change depending on the gender and number of the noun it is referring to.

Example sentences with  meilleur
meilleur ami
Best friend

'Meilleur ami' translates directly to 'best friend'. It is used to refer to the closest friend, someone you share most of your thoughts and experiences with.

Example sentences with  meilleur ami
meilleurs amis
best friends

The term 'meilleurs amis' is used in French to refer to the closest of friends, similar to the English term 'best friends'. This is a plural term and can refer to a group of closest friends. It is often used in everyday conversation and personal relationships.

Example sentences with  meilleurs amis

The term 'membre' in French refers to an individual who belongs to a group, society or team, much the same as 'member' in English. It is used to indicate inclusion within a body or organization. For instance, 'Je suis un membre de l'équipe' translates to 'I am a member of the team'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, from formal to colloquial.

Example sentences with  membre

The French word 'même' translates to 'even' in English. It can be used in several contexts, including talking about equality ('even number'), surprise, or emphasis. For instance, 'J'ai même pas faim' translates to 'I am not even hungry'. A distinguishing feature to bear in mind is, unlike English, French does not use 'même' to refer to 'even' in the context of alternation such as 'every other day'.

Example sentences with  même

The French word for 'memory' is 'mémoire'. It is used very much in the same context as in English, referring to the mental capacity of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences. It can also refer to an apparatus by which things are remembered, such as in computer language. Like in English, it can have various connotations including remembering something or someone, recalling or remembering information, or in terms of computer data.

Example sentences with  mémoire

The word 'mention' in French remains the same as in English, 'mention'. Usage would be 'Elle a fait une mention spéciale de ton travail' that translates as 'She made a special mention of your work'. Just like in English, it can be used to reference or speak about something or someone briefly or indirectly.

Example sentences with  mention

The French equivalent of the English word 'thank' is 'merci'. It's used in the same context as in English, to express gratitude or acknowledgment. It's one of the most commonly used words in French and is universally understood among French speakers.

Example sentences with  merci

The French word 'merde' is commonly used as an exclamation of disappointment or annoyance, similar to how 'shit' is used in English. It can also be used to refer to faecal matter. However, be aware that just like 'shit' in English, 'merde' is considered vulgar and inappropriate in many formal and polite social contexts.

Example sentences with  merde

The word 'mère' is a feminine noun in French and it is used similarly to the English word 'mother'. However, it is important to note that, unlike in English where 'mom' and 'mother' are common terms, in French typically only 'mère' is used. In French, 'maman' is often used as a more informal or affectionate term similar to 'mom' in English. However, 'mère' is generally more formal and respectful.

Example sentences with  mère

The French word 'merveille' is used in a similar way as wonder in English. It can denote a feeling of admiration and surprise caused by something beautiful, unexpected, or unfamiliar. Additionally, it can also refer to something astonishing or admirable, something that causes wonder. Just like in English, it can be used both as a noun (e.g., 'C'est une merveille' - 'It's a wonder') and as a verb (e.g., 'Je me merveille' - 'I wonder').

Example sentences with  merveille
merveille d'hiver
winter wonderland

The French phrase 'merveille d'hiver' translates to 'winter wonderland' in English. It is used to describe an idealized place or scene of beauty or charm in winter. This could be a snow-covered landscape or a place beautifully decorated for the holiday season. In context, you might say 'C'est une merveille d'hiver dehors' translating to 'It's a winter wonderland outside'.

Example sentences with  merveille d'hiver

In French, 'message' is used exactly in the same way as in English, referring to a verbal, written or recorded communication sent to or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly. It can be used in various contexts, from daily conversations to formal communications.

Example sentences with  message

The French word 'méthode' is used quite similarly to the English 'method'. It can be used to describe a particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching something. It often used in academic, scientific or task-oriented contexts. For example, one might talk about 'la méthode de calcul' when referring to a certain 'calculation method'.

Example sentences with  méthode

The French word 'mieux' is used to signify something being better or improved. It is often used in comparison or estimation just like its English counterpart 'better'. It's important to note that 'mieux' is the comparative and superlative form of 'bon/right/good'.

Example sentences with  mieux

The French word 'militaire' translates to 'military' in English. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to anything related to the armed forces. For instance, 'école militaire' would translate to 'military school'. Just like in English, it can also be used as an adjective, as in 'service militaire' meaning 'military service'.

Example sentences with  militaire

The French translation for 'mile' is 'mille'. In French, 'mille' is used much like 'mile' in English. It refers to a measure of distance. Note that unlike in English, 'mille' does not take the plural form when referring to multiple miles. For example, 'five miles' would be 'cinq mille' in French.

Example sentences with  mille

The French word 'million' is used exactly the same way as in English-speaking countries. It is used to quantify or express the numeric value which is often paired with nouns to express an amount. It is important to note that you should use 'de' after million in French if you are speaking about a specific noun, e.g. 'Un million de personnes' translates to 'A million people'. However, if referring to 'one million' in general, 'Un million' would be appropriate.

Example sentences with  million

The French word for midnight is 'minuit'. It is used in much the same way as in English, to refer to the middle of the night, specifically 12:00 AM. Just like English, it can also be used metaphorically to refer to a critical or transition moment.

Example sentences with  minuit

The word 'minute' in French, just like in English, is used to quantify time. It represents the 60th part of an hour. However, it is pronounced differently as compared to English pronunciation. 'Minute' is pronounced as 'mi-noot' in French.

Example sentences with  minute

In French, the word for 'miracle' is 'miracle', pronounced meer-a-cl. It's used similarly as in English, referring to an exceptional, surprising, or unforeseen event that is considered unexplainable by natural or scientific laws.

Example sentences with  miracle

The French word 'modèle' can be used in contexts similar to the English word 'model'. It can refer to a person serving as a physical representation, a particular design of a product, or a simplified representation for analysis. It's also used to describe an ideal for imitation.

Example sentences with  modèle

The French word for 'edit' is 'modifier'. It is used in scenarios such as modifying a document, image or video. Like in English, it can be used both as a verb and a noun. For example, 'Je veux modifier ce document' translates to 'I want to edit this document'.

Example sentences with  modifier

The word 'myself' is translated to French as 'moi-même'. It is used in the same contexts as in English, typically to emphasize that the speaker is performing the action themselves, or to refer back to the speaker. For example, 'I did it myself' would translate to 'Je l'ai fait moi-même'.

Example sentences with  moi-même

The French word for 'least' is 'moins'. It can be used in similar contexts as in English. For example, in comparative sentences to denote something that is lesser in quantity, degree, or importance. Please note that the usage might slightly change depending on the context of the sentence.

Example sentences with  moins

The French word for 'month' is 'mois'. It is used in the same context as in English. For instance, if you want to say 'I will be there in a month', you would say 'Je serai là dans un mois'. It is a masculine noun, so when referring to a specific month you would use 'le' before it, for example 'le mois d'Août' for 'the month of August'.

Example sentences with  mois

The French word 'moment' is used in much the same way as its English equivalent. It can refer to a brief period of time, an instance, or a specific stage in events or process. It's often used in phrases like 'à ce moment-là' (at that moment), 'pour le moment' (for the moment), or 'un moment donné' (a given moment). Remember that like all French nouns, 'moment' has a gender and is masculine, so you would say 'un moment' (a moment).

Example sentences with  moment

The French word 'monde' translates to 'world' in English. It is used in a similar context to English, referring to the earth or a particular region or group of people on the earth. For instance, 'Le monde est beau' means 'The world is beautiful'. It can also be used to refer to a specific environment or milieu, like 'Le monde de l'art' meaning 'The world of art'.

Example sentences with  monde

The French word for 'global' is 'mondial'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to something that applies to the whole world. It is often used in contexts such as 'crise mondiale' (global crisis), 'marché mondial' (global market), and 'réchauffement mondial' (global warming). It's important to note that 'mondial' is an adjective, and must agree in gender and number with the noun it modifies.

Example sentences with  mondial
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