French French

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in French.


The French word 'exiger' is used to express a strong need for something or to command something to be done. It is often used in formal or legal contexts and can be used interchangeably with words like 'demand' or 'necessitate'. It is typically followed by the object or action that is needed.

Example sentences with  exiger

The French verb 'exister' directly translates to the English verb 'exist'. It is most used when talking about the existence of someone or something in a literal or philosophical context. For example, 'Je pense, donc je suis' translates to 'I think, therefore I exist'. Do note that the usage of this word can depend on the context of the conversation.

Example sentences with  exister

The French word 'expérience' translates to 'experience' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as work experience ('expérience de travail') or life experience ('expérience de vie'). Like in English, it can refer to the knowledge or skill gained over time, or an event or occurrence which leaves an impression. However, it is also important to know the context it is used in as it could also mean experiment, as in a scientific experiment.

Example sentences with  expérience

The French word 'expliquer' is most aptly translated to 'explain' in English. It can be used in a number of contexts similar to its English equivalent. It is often used when providing a greater depth of information or giving answers about a specific subject or idea.

Example sentences with  expliquer

The French word for 'easy' is 'facile'. This word is used similarly to its English equivalent, describing tasks that are not difficult to accomplish. For example, 'Cette tâche est facile' translates to 'This task is easy'. It can be used in various contexts, including describing physical tasks, concepts to understand, or processes to complete.

Example sentences with  facile

In French, 'facteur' is the word used to describe a factor or an element that contributes to a particular result. It can be used in various context such as Mathematics, Physics and even Economics. For instance, 'Le facteur humain est déterminant dans cette situation' means 'The human factor is decisive in this situation'.

Example sentences with  facteur

In French, the word 'bill' is translated to 'facture'. It is used in similar context as in English, primarily referring to an amount of money owed for goods supplied or services rendered, set out in a printed or written statement of charges. For instance: if you're at a restaurant and you're ready to leave, you would ask for the 'facture'.

Example sentences with  facture

The French word 'faire' corresponds to the English word 'make'. It is one of the most common and versatile verbs in the French language and can be used in a wide variety of situations. In addition to meaning 'to make', 'faire' can also mean 'to do', depending on the context. For instance, when talking about creating something, 'faire' would translate to 'make', but when referring to an action (doing homework, for example), it would translate to 'do'. It's important to pay attention to the context in which 'faire' is used to understand the correct translation.

Example sentences with  faire

The French word 'fait' is used much like the English word 'fact'. It is used to describe a thing that is known or proved to be true. However, 'fait' can also be used in different contexts as a noun, verb or adjective, depending on the situation. Its versatility in usage can be compared to the English equivalent 'done'. It's always important to understand the context when using this word.

Example sentences with  fait

The French word 'famille' is used in the same context as the English word 'family'. It refers to a group of individuals related by blood, marriage, or adopting, living together. It can also refer to all the descendants of a common ancestor. It is used in several expressions such as 'Une grande famille' meaning a large family or 'Toute ma famille' meaning all my family.

Example sentences with  famille

The French word 'faux' is used to denote something as incorrect or untrue, providing a direct equivalent to the English 'wrong'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including factual disagreements, moral judgements, and incorrect directions.

Example sentences with  faux

The word 'fédéral' in French is equivalent to the English word 'federal'. Much like its English counterpart, 'fédéral' is used to describe something that is connected with the central government of a country, rather than local government. For instance, if a law or regulation is approved at the nation-wide level, it can be termed as a 'loi fédérale' or federal law. The term 'fédéral' can also be used in the context of grouping of states, as in a 'gouvernement fédéral' or federal government.

Example sentences with  fédéral

'Femme' is the French translation for the English word 'woman'. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to an adult human female. It is a common noun and can be used in various sentences such as 'Elle est une femme' meaning 'She is a woman'. Its plural form is 'femmes' which can be used to refer to more than one woman.

Example sentences with  femme

The French word for 'window' is 'fenêtre'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to an opening in a wall, door, roof or vehicle that allows the passage of light and may also allow the passage of sound and air. For example, 'Ouvre la fenêtre' means 'Open the window'.

Example sentences with  fenêtre

The French word 'festif' is used to describe any event, activity, or atmosphere that is joyful or celebratory, much like the use of 'festive' in English. It is often used in the context of holidays, parties, or other celebratory events.

Example sentences with  festif

The French word 'festivité' is used to denote any festive or celebration-oriented event, similar to the English word 'festivity'. It is often used to refer to holidays, parties, and other similar events. For example, 'La ville est connue pour ses festivités du Nouvel An' translates to 'The city is known for its New Year's festivities'.

Example sentences with  festivité

The French word 'festivités' directly translates to 'festivities' in English and is used in similar contexts. It can refer to any type of celebration or series of events for a special occasion. For example, one might say 'Les festivités de Noël sont toujours très gaies', which means 'The Christmas festivities are always very cheerful'.

Example sentences with  festivités

The French word 'fête' is used to describe a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment, similar to the English word 'party'. It can also refer to a festival or a celebration of a particular event or anniversary. 'Fête' is used in both formal and casual settings.

Example sentences with  fête

The French word 'feu' is used to describe fire in general, as well as instances such as being on fire ('en feu'). It is also used in figurative language to symbolize warmth, passion, or destructive potential, much like in English. However, it isn't used when you are firing a gun, for example ('tirer' would be used then).

Example sentences with  feu
feux d'artifice

The French term 'feux d'artifice' is used to refer to fireworks, particularly those used during celebrations like New Year's Eve or Bastille Day in France. It is usually used in the plural form given the collective nature of fireworks. It's important to remember the phrase in its entirety, as 'feux' on its own refers to 'fires' and 'artifice' can mean 'trickery', but together they make up the term for fireworks.

Example sentences with  feux d'artifice

The French word 'figure' is versatile and can be used in multiple contexts similar to English. It can mean 'figure' like a number, 'figure' as in a shape or a body, or even to 'figure out'. However, it might often be used as 'visage' to mean one's face. The exact interpretation of the word depends largely on its context within a sentence.

Example sentences with  figure

The French word for 'girl' is 'fille'. It is used in the same way as in English, referring to a young human female. One thing to remember is, gender is very important in French grammar. 'Fille' is a feminine noun, and must be used with the correct articles and adjectives. For example, 'the girl' would be 'la fille', and 'a beautiful girl' would be 'une belle fille'.

Example sentences with  fille

In French, the word for movie is 'film'. This is used pretty much in the same context as it is in English, to refer to a cinema film or a movie. For example, if you want to say 'I am going to see a movie', you would say 'Je vais voir un film'.

Example sentences with  film

In French, 'final' is translated as 'final.' It is used in the same context as in English. For instance, it can mean the last in a series, sequence, or the ultimate outcome. It can be used in different situations such as 'le match final' which means 'the final match', 'la decision finale' which means 'the final decision'.

Example sentences with  final

The French word 'finalement' is often used similarly to the English word 'finally'. It is typically used to indicate that something has occurred or been completed after a long period of time or a lot of effort. Additionally, 'finalement' can be used to demonstrate a conclusion or result, similar to the way 'finally' is used in English.

Example sentences with  finalement

The French word 'financier' translates to 'financial' in English. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to matters related to finance, money and banking. Just like in English, it can be employed in various circumstances such as financial advice ('conseil financier'), financial market ('marché financier') or financial services ('services financiers').

Example sentences with  financier

The French word 'finir' translates to 'finish' in English. It is used in various contexts, such as when a task is completed. Like in English, its context may be literal, as in finishing a meal (finir un repas), or more figurative, as in finishing a task (finir une tâche). It is also used in phrases such as 'finir par' which means 'end up'. The word is subject to conjugation based on tense and subject.

Example sentences with  finir
flocons de neige

The French equivalent of 'snowflakes' is 'flocons de neige'. It is used the same as in English, to describe the small individual pieces of snow that fall from the sky during a snowfall. Example: 'Les flocons de neige tombent du ciel', which means 'The snowflakes are falling from the sky.'

Example sentences with  flocons de neige

The French word 'foi' translates to 'faith' in English. In general, 'foi' is used to express a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. It is also often used in a religious context to refer to strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion.

Example sentences with  foi

The word 'fonds' is used similarly to 'fund' in English. It can be used to refer to a sum of money saved or collected for a particular purpose or the place to which money is directed. 'Fonds' in French is often used in financial and banking contexts, similarly to how 'fund' is used in English.

Example sentences with  fonds
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