French French

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in French.


The French word for 'teach' is 'enseigner'. It is commonly used in the same context as in English. It can be used when referring to teaching a subject, a concept, a skill, etc. Note that the verb 'enseigner' should be used with the preposition 'à' when indicating whom you are teaching something to.

Example sentences with  enseigner

'Ensemble' is a French word which translates to 'together' in English. It's used in similar ways to its English counterpart - to indicate two or more people or things being in proximity, involved in a task, or in agreement. For example, 'Nous travaillons ensemble' means 'We are working together'.

Example sentences with  ensemble

The French word 'entendre' is used to express the action of hearing something, similar to 'hear' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as hearing a sound, a person speaking, a music note and more. Like English, the French use it in idiomatic expressions as well, for example, 'Je ne veux pas entendre ça' translates to 'I don’t want to hear it'.

Example sentences with  entendre

The French word 'entier' translates to 'whole' in English. It could be used in various contexts. It is often used to indicate an entire or full amount of something. Just like in English, 'entier' can be used in various sentences of French, for instance, 'L'ensemble du fromage' means 'The whole cheese'. It is also used to describe someone who is honest and complete.

Example sentences with  entier

The French word 'entre' is used similarly to the English word 'between'. It signifies the position in the middle of two or more items, concepts or places. For example, if we are talking about being in the middle of two cities, you could say 'Je suis entre Paris et Lyon'. Which is 'I am between Paris and Lyon' in English.

Example sentences with  entre

The French word for company is 'entreprise'. This term is widely used in business and economic contexts to refer to a commercial business or firm. Just like in English, it can be used for both small and large scale businesses across a variety of industries. Additionally, the term 'entreprise' can also be used to indicate effort or initiative, for example, 'une entreprise difficile' would translate to 'a difficult endeavour'.

Example sentences with  entreprise

The French word 'entrer' is used similarly to the English verb 'enter'. It can mean to come or go into a physical location such as a room or building, or to input information into a system. Like in English it can be used in various contexts, such as 'entrer dans la maison' (enter the house) or 'entrer des données' (enter data).

Example sentences with  entrer

The French word for 'interview' is 'entretien'. It is used in the same way as in English - during job application processes, journalistic inquiries, academic research, etc. However, it can also mean 'maintenance' in some contexts, so it's important to pay attention to its usage.

Example sentences with  entretien

The French word 'environ' is commonly used to translate English term 'about'. It is generally used to give approximate figures and estimations. For example, if someone asks you how old you are and you don't want to give an exact age you could say 'J'ai environ trente ans' when translated it means 'I'm about thirty years old'.

Example sentences with  environ

The French word 'environnement' is used in the context of nature or surroundings. It can be used to refer to the overall outdoor conditions or local atmosphere where human, plant, and animal life operate, or, in a broader sense, where anything happens or develops.

Example sentences with  environnement

The French verb 'envoyer' means 'to send'. It is used similarly as 'send' in English — when you want to send something, such as a letter, a package, or an email, to someone else. Additionally, 'envoyer' can also imply sending someone to do something, akin to 'send off' in English.

Example sentences with  envoyer

The French word for team is 'équipe'. It is used to refer to a group of individuals who work together towards a common goal. It can be used in the same context as it is in English, for example, 'Nous sommes une bonne équipe' means 'We are a good team'.

Example sentences with  équipe

The word 'espace' is used in French in the same way as 'space' is used in English. It can refer to physical space in the context of dimensions and geography, as well as outer space or cosmos. It can also refer to a space in a document or a form. Similar to English, 'espace' can also be used abstractly to refer to an interval or gap in time.

Example sentences with  espace

The French word 'espères' translates to 'hopes' in English. It is used in contexts to express expectation or desire for a certain thing to happen, similar to its English counterpart. Just like in English, it can be used in various tenses, but remember to adjust the word accordingly.

Example sentences with  espères

The word 'hope' is translated into French as 'espoir'. In French, 'espoir' is generally used the same way as in English, indicating a feeling of expectation and desire for certain things to happen. 'Espoir' agrees in number, which means it can be 'espoirs' ('hopes') in plural.

Example sentences with  espoir

In French, 'esprit' is used to represent the English word 'mind'. It is often used in similar contexts, to represent intellectual capabilities, thoughts, consciousness or intentions. For example, 'Avoir l'esprit ouvert' translates to 'to have an open mind'. It's also used in expressions like 'esprit d'equipe', which means team spirit.

Example sentences with  esprit

In French, the word 'east' is translated as 'est'. It is used exactly like in English to refer to the cardinal direction. For example, in the phrase 'il vient de l'est' the translation would be 'he comes from the east'. It's simple to use and the pronunciation is very similar to the English version of the word.

Example sentences with  est

The word 'étape' in French refers to a 'step' in English. It is typically used in similar contexts as English, referring to a stage or segment in a process or sequence. For example, 'Chaque étape du voyage était excitante' would translate to 'Every step of the journey was exciting' in English.

Example sentences with  étape

The French word 'État' is equivalent to the English word 'state'. It can be used as a noun in a variety of contexts, such as to denote a country or nation ('État'), a physical condition or status ('état'), or one of the member territories of a federal country such as the USA ('état'). Just like in English, it changes meaning based on its context.

Example sentences with  État

The word 'été' is used in French to represent the warmest season of the year, typically taking place from June to September in the Northern hemisphere. It is often used in the same context as in English, relating to vacations, outdoor activities, and long days. For example, 'J'aime l'été' translates to 'I love summer'.

Example sentences with  été

The French word 'étoile' translates as 'star' in English. It can be used in the same context as in English, pertaining to a natural object visible in the sky when dark or a famous person or personality. For example, 'Il y a beaucoup d'étoiles dans le ciel ce soir' means 'There are a lot of stars in the sky tonight'. Another example is 'Il est une étoile du cinéma' meaning 'He is a movie star'.

Example sentences with  étoile

The French word 'étranger' means 'foreign'. It is typically used in the context of something or someone that is not native to France or the French language. It can describe foreign objects, places, and people. For example, a foreign country would be 'un pays étranger' and a foreign language would be 'une langue étrangère'. It's important to note that 'étranger' can also be a noun meaning foreigner.

Example sentences with  étranger

The French word for student is 'étudiant'. It refers to an individual who is engaged in learning, typically within an academic setting like a college or university. It is often used in the same contexts as in English, for example in sentences like 'Je suis un étudiant' (I am a student). The word 'étudiant' is masculine; its feminine counterpart is 'étudiante'.

Example sentences with  étudiant

The French word for 'study' is 'étudier'. It is usually used to refer to the act of devoting time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject, especially by means of books, or a detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation.

Example sentences with  étudier

The French word 'eux' is a personal pronoun, commonly used to refer to a specific group of people previously mentioned in a conversation. It is the equivalent of 'them' in English and is generally used as a direct or indirect object in a sentence.

Example sentences with  eux

The French word 'eux-mêmes' is used similarly to 'themselves' in English. It is a reflexive pronoun, meaning it refers back to the subject of the sentence. It can be used in several contexts, such as emphasizing the people or things that perform an action (e.g., Ils ont fait le travail eux-mêmes or They did the work themselves), or indicating that an action affects the people or things performing it (e.g., Ils se sont blessés eux-mêmes or They hurt themselves).

Example sentences with  eux-mêmes

The word 'événement' in French is used as a noun to mean 'event'. It is used in the same context as 'event' in English, for instance referring to a planned public or social occasion. An example of a sentence could be 'Ce soir, nous allons à un grand événement', which translates to 'Tonight, we are going to a big event'.

Example sentences with  événement

The French word 'éviter' is used in many scenarios similar to its English equivalent, 'avoid'. You can use it when you want to escape from a situation (éviter un problème - avoid a problem), when you're trying to keep away from a person (éviter quelqu'un - avoid someone), or when dodging an object (éviter une voiture - avoid a car). It's a versatile word that is frequently used in both conversational and written French.

Example sentences with  éviter

The French word 'exactement' is used in the same way as its English translation 'exactly'. It can be used to agree with someone, to emphasize the truth, or to state that something is accurate or correct. For example, 'C'est exactement ce que j'ai dit' means 'That's exactly what I said'.

Example sentences with  exactement

The word 'exemple' in French is used similarly as 'example' in English. It can refer to an instance serving to illustrate a rule or case. It can also mean a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule. This term is commonly used in both spoken and written French, and can be found in various contexts, such as education, business, and daily conversation.

Example sentences with  exemple
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