French French

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in French.

à bientôt
See you soon

The French term 'à bientôt' is used in a similar way as 'see you soon' in English. It is used when taking leave from someone, with the implication that you will see them in the near future. It is a casual phrase, commonly used in conversation.

Example sentences with  à bientôt
à demain
See you tomorrow

The French expression 'à demain' is used when you want to say 'see you tomorrow' to someone. It's a very common phrase used in casual conversations. Please note 'demain' means tomorrow in French.

Example sentences with  à demain
à l'intérieur de

The French equivalent for 'within' is 'à l'intérieur de'. It is often used to describe some sort of containment or existence within set boundaries or limits. In French, it can also imply a certain period in time. Like in English, 'à l'intérieur de' is used in both literal and metaphorical contexts.

Example sentences with  à l'intérieur de
à plus tard
See you later

The French phrase 'à plus tard' is often used during parting, equivalent to the English 'see you later'. It is a casual expression and mostly used among friends or people of the same age. It is used when you predict to see the other person later on the same day.

Example sentences with  à plus tard
à qui

The French translation for 'whose' is 'à qui'. It is a possessive pronoun used in questions. It can be used in both formal and informal situations in French. For example, 'à qui est cette voiture?' translates to 'whose car is this?'. Thus, it serves the same purpose as 'whose' in English but follows a slightly different structure in sentences.

Example sentences with  à qui
à travers

The French term for 'through' is 'à travers'. It is used in the same context as in English. For instance, when indicating movement from one side to another, or expressing time or intensity. Like doing something 'à travers la journée' which means 'throughout the day'. It can also denote means of accomplishing something. However, It's important to note that prepositions can be tricky in French and sometimes 'through' can be translated differently based on the context.

Example sentences with  à travers

The French word 'absolument' is used in the same way as 'absolutely' in English. It is an adverb that is used to agree completely or to emphasize something. You can use it to express full agreement, or to say that something is entirely true or accurate. Examples include: 'Il est absolument correct' (He's absolutely correct), or 'C'est absolument merveilleux!' (It's absolutely wonderful!).

Example sentences with  absolument

The French word 'accepter' is used similarly as 'agree' in English. It is mainly used when you want to consent to a proposition or offer made by someone or accept an understanding. However, it can also express the idea of accepting or receiving things or people. Hence, although 'accepter' is not a direct counterpart of 'agree', it is used in most contexts to convey the meaning of agreement.

Example sentences with  accepter

The English word 'hang' translates to 'accrocher' in French. It's commonly used to express placing something so that it's attached to a wall, or to float in the air as in hanging a picture, or hanging a mobile. However, it is also used figuratively, like to hang on the phone. The context of the sentence often determines how it's used.

Example sentences with  accrocher

The French word 'acteur' is used in the same way as the English word 'actor'. It is used to refer to a male person who performs in plays, movies, or television shows. The feminine form of the word 'acteur' is 'actrice', which is used to refer to a female actor.

Example sentences with  acteur

In French, the word 'action' is used similarly to its usage in English by referring to the act of doing something or a thing done. It can be used in various contexts such as in movies and films (action movie), in sports (action in a game), and in finance (action - stock). Just like in English, it can also be used to describe the process of doing something to achieve something else.

Example sentences with  action

The French word 'activité' directly translates to 'activity' in English. It's used in similar context to describe action or tasks. It can refer to any kind of physical or mental occupation or pursuit. For example, 'Activité physique' means 'Physical activity'. In the plural form, 'activités' can also mean different types of events or hobbies.

Example sentences with  activité

The French word 'actrice' corresponds to the English word 'actress'. It refers to a female who performs in plays, movies or television shows. In a sentence, you could say 'Elle est une actrice célèbre', which means, 'She is a famous actress.'

Example sentences with  actrice

Administration in French is used the same way it is used in English, representing the tasks and activities that are related to operating an organization, such as a business or school. It can also refer to the group of people who are in charge of managing such an organization.

Example sentences with  administration

The word 'adoration' in French is equivalent to 'worship' in English. It's predominantly used in reference to the act of expressing love, adoration, and respect for a deity. However, it can also refer to an intense admiration or love for someone or something. It is widely used in religious contexts.

Example sentences with  adoration

The French word for 'deal' is 'affaire'. It can be used in various contexts such as business/ transaction (Faire une affaire - Make a deal) or event/ situation (Quelle affaire! - What a mess!). It is important to be aware of the context to understand the exact meaning.

Example sentences with  affaire

The French word 'affaires' directly translates to 'business' in English. It is often used in similar contexts as it is in English - to talk about trade, commerce, or a particular professional field. However, like in English, it can also have other interpretations based on the context. Importantly, remember that in French, most nouns are accompanied by a definite or indefinite article.

Example sentences with  affaires

The French word 'affecter' is the equivalent of the English word 'affect'. It is used as a verb in sentences and can refer to the act of influencing something or someone. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts, including emotional, scientific, or general scenarios. For example, 'Cette nouvelle va l'affecter' means 'This news is going to affect him/her'.

Example sentences with  affecter

The word 'agence' in French is commonly used to denote a bureau or office where business is conducted or services provided. It is similar to the English usage of the term 'agency' and can cover a wide range of contexts, such as a travel agency (agence de voyage) or news agency (agence de presse). It can be used in both formal and informal settings.

Example sentences with  agence

The word 'agréable' in French translates to 'nice' in English. In French, it's used to describe someone, something, or a situation that brings pleasure or is enjoyable, similar to how 'nice' is used in English. Be mindful, though, in certain contexts it may be better translated with synonyms like pleasant, lovely, or delightful.

Example sentences with  agréable

In French, 'help' translates to 'aide'. This word can be used in contexts where assistance or support is being provided. It can be used similar to how it is used in English, as a noun or verb, within a sentence. For example, 'J'ai besoin d'aide' translates to 'I need help'.

Example sentences with  aide

The French word 'ainsi' is used in a similar way as 'thus' in English. It can be used to denote the consequence of something or to introduce an explanation. It is an important connective word in French, helping to introduce a result or effect, and is a common word seen in both written and spoken French.

Example sentences with  ainsi

The French word for 'then' is 'alors'. It is used in a similar context as in English, often to indicate a sequence of events. For example, 'First I woke up, then I brushed my teeth' can be translated to 'D'abord je me suis réveillé, alors je me suis brossé les dents' in French. However, 'alors' can also mean 'so' in certain contexts.

Example sentences with  alors

The French word for 'American' is 'américain'. It is an adjective and could be used to describe someone's nationality, a product or anything else that is from or related to America. Like all French adjectives, remember that 'américain' will need to agree in gender and number with the noun that it is modifying, resulting in four possible forms: américain, américaine, américains and américaines.

Example sentences with  américain

The term 'ami' is a commonly-used word in French to refer to a friend. It's used in contexts similar to the English 'friend', denoting a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

Example sentences with  ami
ami proche
close friend

In French, 'ami proche' refers to a close friend, someone with whom you share a strong bond. It is used in the same way as in English, indicating a friend who knows you very well and is very important to you.

Example sentences with  ami proche

The word 'amical' is an adjective in French, used to describe someone who is kind, pleasant, or easy to be with. It is often used in the context of describing a positive and warm relationship between people.

Example sentences with  amical

The word 'amis' is used in French to represent friends. It is a plural noun and is used to refer to more than one friend. Much like in English, it can be used in any context where one might discuss their friends, such as hanging out with friends, childhood friends, or mutual friends.

Example sentences with  amis
amis pour toujours
friends forever

The French translation of 'friends forever' is 'amis pour toujours'. This phrase can be used just like in English to reinforce long-term, unbreakable relationships of friendship. It is common to see it in written messages or during emotional conversations between significant pals.

Example sentences with  amis pour toujours

'Amitié' is the French term for 'friendship'. It is often used to describe the state of being friends or a friendly feeling towards someone.

Example sentences with  amitié
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