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nous nous verrons

English translation of nous nous verrons

We'll see each other

The phrase 'nous nous verrons' in French is equivalent to 'we'll see each other' in English. It's a reflexive verb in future tense. This phrase is commonly used when you are saying goodbye to someone and want to express the expectation of meeting again in the future.

Example sentences using: nous nous verrons

Si tout va bien, nous nous verrons demain.

English translation of Si tout va bien, nous nous verrons demain.

If all goes well, we will see each other tomorrow.

This sentence is used when you're planning to meet someone and you're pretty sure that it's going to happen, unless something unexpected comes up.

Avant de partir, nous nous verrons une dernière fois.

English translation of Avant de partir, nous nous verrons une dernière fois.

Before leaving, we will see each other one last time.

This sentence could be used when someone is preparing to leave - for instance, move to another city or country - and you want to say goodbye before they go.

Il est probable que nous nous verrons à la fête ce soir.

English translation of Il est probable que nous nous verrons à la fête ce soir.

It is likely that we will see each other at the party tonight.

This sentence indicates that you expect to meet someone at a particular event, like a party or a gathering.

Nous nous verrons au sommet de la montagne.

English translation of Nous nous verrons au sommet de la montagne.

We will see each other at the summit of the mountain.

In this sentence, you're arranging to meet someone at a specific location, in this case, the top of a mountain.

Nous nous verrons ce weekend pour le déjeuner.

English translation of Nous nous verrons ce weekend pour le déjeuner.

We will see each other this weekend for lunch.

This sentence is used to schedule a specific time to meet - in this case, it for a lunch this weekend.

Dès que possible, nous nous verrons pour régler cette question.

English translation of Dès que possible, nous nous verrons pour régler cette question.

As soon as possible, we will see each other to settle this matter.

This sentence implies that there is an issue to be resolved, and the speaker is looking forward to meet and settle it as soon as possible.

Malgré la distance, nous nous verrons souvent.

English translation of Malgré la distance, nous nous verrons souvent.

Despite the distance, we will see each other often.

This sentence could be used when two people are going to be physically apart but are committed to keeping in touch and meeting regularly.

Nous nous verrons à la bibliothèque après les cours.

English translation of Nous nous verrons à la bibliothèque après les cours.

We will see each other at the library after classes.

This sentence is used when you're planning a meeting at a specific place (the library) and time (after classes).

Quoi qu'il arrive, nous nous verrons à Paris.

English translation of Quoi qu'il arrive, nous nous verrons à Paris.

Whatever happens, we will see each other in Paris.

This sentence is often used to express a firm intention to meet someone, no matter the circumstances. In this case, the meeting is set to take place in Paris.

Après l'examen, nous nous verrons pour discuter des résultats.

English translation of Après l'examen, nous nous verrons pour discuter des résultats.

After the exam, we will see each other to discuss the results.

This sentence could be used in a study group where you're all planning to meet after an exam to discuss how it went and what the results were.

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