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English translation of nourriture


The French word for food is 'nourriture'. This word is a feminine noun in French, and it is used to describe any kind of meal, dish or general nutrition you consume. For example, if you want to say 'I like food', you would say 'J'aime la nourriture'.

Example sentences using: nourriture

La nourriture est délicieuse.

English translation of La nourriture est délicieuse.

The food is delicious.

This phrase is straightforward, expressing that the food (nourriture) is delicious (délicieuse). It's a common comment one might make about a enjoyable meal.

J'aime partager de la nourriture avec mes amis.

English translation of J'aime partager de la nourriture avec mes amis.

I like sharing food with my friends.

In this example, the speaker is expressing enjoyment (j'aime) in sharing food (nourriture) with his or her friends (mes amis).

La nourriture est un aspect important de la culture.

English translation of La nourriture est un aspect important de la culture.

Food is an important aspect of culture.

This sentence states the view that food (nourriture) holds a significant role in defining a culture.

J'aime préparer de la nourriture pour ma famille.

English translation of J'aime préparer de la nourriture pour ma famille.

I like preparing food for my family.

Here, the speaker expresses love for cooking or preparing food (nourriture) for his/her family (ma famille).

Tu as de la nourriture sur ton visage.

English translation of Tu as de la nourriture sur ton visage.

You have food on your face.

This phrase might be used when the listener has inadvertently gotten some food (nourriture) on his or her face.

Ne gaspillez pas la nourriture, s'il vous plaît.

English translation of Ne gaspillez pas la nourriture, s'il vous plaît.

Please do not waste food.

This command implores someone not to waste (ne gaspillez pas) food (nourriture).

La nourriture était trop salée.

English translation of La nourriture était trop salée.

The food was too salty.

This sentence simply describes food (nourriture) as having too much salt (trop salée).

Nous avons besoin de plus de nourriture pour le dîner.

English translation of Nous avons besoin de plus de nourriture pour le dîner.

We need more food for dinner.

This statement expresses the need for more food (nourriture) for a particular meal, here, dinner (le dîner).

Cette nourriture est pour les invités.

English translation of Cette nourriture est pour les invités.

This food is for the guests.

This sentence denotes that the food (nourriture) present is specifically for the guests (invités).

Où puis-je acheter de la nourriture?

English translation of Où puis-je acheter de la nourriture?

Where can I buy food?

This is a useful question if you're in a foreign place and want to find a place to buy food (nourriture).

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