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English translation of note


In French, 'note' has multiple meanings. It can refer to a 'note' as in a short written record, similar to its meaning in English. However, it can also refer to a 'grade' or 'mark' in an academic context, meaning the score a student receives on an assignment or exam. Therefore, it is important to consider the context when using this word.

Example sentences using: note

J'ai oublié de prendre des notes pendant la réunion.

English translation of J'ai oublié de prendre des notes pendant la réunion.

I forgot to take notes during the meeting.

This sentence suggests the speaker failed to document critical details discussed in a meeting. Taking notes in this context refers to writing down key points or information for future reference.

La note de frais est élevée ce mois-ci.

English translation of La note de frais est élevée ce mois-ci.

In this context, 'note' refers to a report or a summary of expenses incurred in a particular month. It implies that the expenditure for the said month has been higher than usual.


Il écrit une note pour se souvenir de l'épicerie.

English translation of Il écrit une note pour se souvenir de l'épicerie.

He writes a note to remember the groceries.

The individual used a written reminder, or 'note', to help remember what groceries he needs to buy. The usage of the word 'note' here refers to a quick piece of writing for remembrance.

La note finale du concert était magnifique.

English translation of La note finale du concert était magnifique.

The final note of the concert was magnificent.

Here, 'note' is used in a musical context, referring to a sound or tone. The sentence expresses admiration towards the last musical sound heard at the concert.

Cette note de la symphonie est très touchante.

English translation of Cette note de la symphonie est très touchante.

This note from the symphony is very touching.

In this example, 'note' refers to a single tone in a musical piece, particularly in a symphony. The speaker is moved by the emotional impact of this specific musical sound.

J'ai dû lui laisser une note pour qu'il se souvienne.

English translation of J'ai dû lui laisser une note pour qu'il se souvienne.

I had to leave him a note to remember.

This is a common phrase referencing the act of leaving a written message, or 'note', to aid someone's memory. The writer pens a note to help another person remember something.

Elle a laissé une note d'amour sur le frigo.

English translation of Elle a laissé une note d'amour sur le frigo.

She left a love note on the fridge.

In this statement, 'note' is used to describe a brief written message, specifically a love note. It signifies an affectionate, written communication left on a household item.

La banque a envoyé une note pour le paiement en retard.

English translation of La banque a envoyé une note pour le paiement en retard.

The bank sent a note for the late payment.

Here 'note' is a written communication from a bank regarding a late payment. This could communicate a penalty or simply be a reminder from the bank about a delayed transaction.

Je t'ai envoyé une note mais tu ne l'as pas encore lue.

English translation of Je t'ai envoyé une note mais tu ne l'as pas encore lue.

I sent you a note but you have not read it yet.

In this phrase, the speaker has sent a written message or 'note' to someone who has not yet read it. The note could be any type of written communication.

Elle a pris des notes pendant le cours de français.

English translation of Elle a pris des notes pendant le cours de français.

She took notes during the French class.

This sentence describes a situation where a person is writing down key points or information, 'notes', in a French class for study or reference purposes.

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