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English translation of nom


The French word 'nom' translates to 'name' in English. It is typically used much in the same context as in English, to identify a person, place, or thing. It's important to note that unlike in English, where name is just a singular standalone concept, in French 'nom' can refer to both first name (prénom) and last name (nom de famille).

Example sentences using: nom

J'aime ton nom.

English translation of J'aime ton nom.

I like your name.

This phrase can be used if you want to compliment someone's name.

Mon nom est Jean.

English translation of Mon nom est Jean.

My name is Jean.

This sentence is used by someone introducing themselves. Replace 'Jean' with your name.

Le nom de ce livre est 'Le Petit Prince'.

English translation of Le nom de ce livre est 'Le Petit Prince'.

The name of this book is 'The Little Prince'.

This sentence is used to inform about the name of a book. Substitute 'Le Petit Prince' with the name of any other book.

J'ai oublié ton nom.

English translation of J'ai oublié ton nom.

I forgot your name.

This sentence is used when you express that you do not remember someone's name.

Le nom de mon chien est Max.

English translation of Le nom de mon chien est Max.

My dog's name is Max.

This sentence indicates the name of a pet. You could replace 'Max' with the name of your pet.

Quel est le nom de ta ville?

English translation of Quel est le nom de ta ville?

What is the name of your city?

The question is asking someone to tell the name of the city where they live.

N'oublie pas le nom de l'hôtel.

English translation of N'oublie pas le nom de l'hôtel.

Don't forget the name of the hotel.

This sentence is used to remind someone not to forget about a specific piece of information, in this case, the hotel's name.

Comment se prononce ce nom?

English translation of Comment se prononce ce nom?

How do you pronounce this name?

This question is used when you do not know how to pronounce a name and you are asking for help.

Le nom de cette musique est 'La vie en rose'.

English translation of Le nom de cette musique est 'La vie en rose'.

The name of this song is 'La vie en rose'.

In this sentence, you are stating the name of a song. Alternate 'La vie en rose' with the title of any other song.

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