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English translation of noir


The French word 'noir' is used to describe the color black. It is used in the same way as in English. You can use it to describe objects, animals, or anything else that is black. For example, 'un chat noir' means 'a black cat'. It could also be used in a metaphorical sense, such as 'un humour noir' (a black humour).

Example sentences using: noir

L'encre noire est terminée.

English translation of L'encre noire est terminée.

The black ink is finished.

'Noir' is used in this context to describe the color of the ink that has run out.

Je vois un corbeau noir.

English translation of Je vois un corbeau noir.

I see a black crow.

This sentence describes seeing a black crow. 'Noir' is used here to indicate the color of the bird.

J'aime le café noir.

English translation of J'aime le café noir.

I like black coffee.

In this sentence, 'noir' is used to describe the type of coffee, which is without milk or cream.

C'est un film noir.

English translation of C'est un film noir.

It's a film noir.

'Noir' in this context means a genre of crime film or fiction characterized by cynicism, fatalism, and moral ambiguity.

Il a des cheveux noirs.

English translation of Il a des cheveux noirs.

He has black hair.

A simple descriptive sentence using 'noir' as an adjective to describe the color of someone's hair.

Le chat noir est sur le canapé.

English translation of Le chat noir est sur le canapé.

The black cat is on the couch.

This is a simple demonstrative sentence, showing the cat's location. 'Noir' here is used as an adjective to describe the color of the cat.

La nuit était noire et sans étoiles.

English translation of La nuit était noire et sans étoiles.

The night was black and starless.

'Noir' is used here to describe the darkness of the night. This phrase can be used in narratives to set a gloomy or mysterious atmosphere.

Elle porte une robe noire.

English translation of Elle porte une robe noire.

She is wearing a black dress.

This is a simple sentence describing what someone is wearing. 'Noir' is used as an adjective to describe the color of the dress.

La liste noire a été publiée.

English translation of La liste noire a été publiée.

The blacklist has been published.

'Noire' in this case is used as an adjective to describe a list that denotes exclusion or boycott. It does not refer to the color.

Le tableau noir est dans la salle de classe.

English translation of Le tableau noir est dans la salle de classe.

The blackboard is in the classroom.

Here, 'noir' is used as an adjective to describe the 'blackboard' which is a platform where teachers write during classes.

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