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English translation of naturel


The French word 'naturel' is the equivalent of the English word 'natural'. It can be used in a similar context and also in a variety of ways. It can be an adjective to describe someone's personality or a phenomenon that is not caused by humans. It can also be a noun in phrases to refer to something that is not found in artificial substances, like 'vin naturel' which means natural wine.

Example sentences using: naturel

Ton sourire est vraiment naturel.

English translation of Ton sourire est vraiment naturel.

Your smile is really natural.

Here, 'naturel' is used to describe the 'sourire' or smile. It suggests that the person's smile is not forced or fake, but genuine and spontaneous.

Il travaille de façon naturelle.

English translation of Il travaille de façon naturelle.

He works in a natural way.

In this sentence, 'naturelle' is used to describe 'façon' which refers to the manner or way. It implies that his work style or behavior is not forced or artificial.

Il est beau de manière naturelle.

English translation of Il est beau de manière naturelle.

He is beautiful in a natural way.

'Naturelle' in this sentence modifies 'manière', meaning the person's beauty is inherent and not enhanced by artificial means.

Vous avez un talent naturel pour la musique.

English translation of Vous avez un talent naturel pour la musique.

You have a natural talent for music.

In this context, 'naturel' is used to describe 'talent'. This indicates that the person has an innate or inherent ability or skill in music.

Cet arbre a une allure naturelle et majestueuse.

English translation of Cet arbre a une allure naturelle et majestueuse.

This tree has a natural and majestic appearance.

The word 'naturelle' here describes 'allure', which refers to the appearance of the tree. It suggests that the tree looks majestic in its own natural form.

Elle a développé un amour naturel pour les animaux.

English translation of Elle a développé un amour naturel pour les animaux.

She has developed a natural love for animals.

In this sentence, 'naturel' describes 'amour' which means love. This implies that her affection for animals is innate or instinctive.

Créer de l'art est un processus naturel pour lui.

English translation of Créer de l'art est un processus naturel pour lui.

Creating art is a natural process for him.

'Naturel' modifies 'processus' in this context. This states that the process of creating art comes naturally or effortlessly to him.

J’adore son allure complètement naturelle.

English translation of J’adore son allure complètement naturelle.

I love his completely natural allure.

In this context, 'naturelle' is used to describe 'allure'. It suggests that person's charm or appearance is completely natural, not contrived or artificial.

Il a une façon naturelle de parler qui attire les gens.

English translation of Il a une façon naturelle de parler qui attire les gens.

He has a natural way of speaking that attracts people.

The word 'naturelle' here is used to describe 'façon' which means way or manner. This implies that the speaker's manner of talking is inherently engaging or attractive.

J’aime son style naturel sans maquillage.

English translation of J’aime son style naturel sans maquillage.

I love her natural style without make-up.

In this sentence, 'naturel' describes 'style' which indicates the person's appearance or demeanor. This suggests that the person's appearance is authentic and not altered by makeup.

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