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English translation of nature


In French, 'nature' is still 'nature'. It is used in the same context as in English, to refer to the physical world and its organisms. It can be used in general contexts referring to natural landscapes, wildlife, or natural phenomena. Just as in English, 'nature' can also be used in a figurative sense in French to talk about the natural, inherent, or essential qualities of something or someone.

Example sentences using: nature

La nature est un remède pour l'âme.

English translation of La nature est un remède pour l'âme.

Nature is a remedy for the soul.

This phrase implies that being in nature, or experiencing it, can have therapeutic or healing properties for one's mental or spiritual wellbeing.

Je me sens en harmonie avec la nature.

English translation of Je me sens en harmonie avec la nature.

I feel in harmony with nature.

This phrase uses 'nature' to evoke a sense of peace or calm, suggesting that the speaker feels a connection with the natural world around them.

Il faut respecter la nature pour sauver notre planète.

English translation of Il faut respecter la nature pour sauver notre planète.

We must respect nature to save our planet.

This sentence highlights the importance of preserving and respecting nature in order to protect Earth's environment.

La beauté de la nature me laisse sans voix.

English translation of La beauté de la nature me laisse sans voix.

The beauty of nature leaves me speechless.

This phrase is used to express great admiration for the aesthetics of the natural world.

La nature change avec les saisons.

English translation of La nature change avec les saisons.

Nature changes with the seasons.

This phrase explains the cyclical change in nature caused by the different seasons of the year.

Je trouve la paix dans la nature.

English translation of Je trouve la paix dans la nature.

I find peace in nature.

This sentence emphasizes the psychological benefits and peace that one can feel when they are in nature.

La nature offre une infinité de couleurs.

English translation of La nature offre une infinité de couleurs.

Nature offers an infinity of colors.

This phrase is used to praise the variety and beauty of colors found in nature.

Nous devons protéger la nature pour les générations futures.

English translation of Nous devons protéger la nature pour les générations futures.

We must protect nature for future generations.

This sentence reflects the sense of responsibility we have towards preserving the environment for upcoming generations.

La nature est pleine de surprises.

English translation of La nature est pleine de surprises.

Nature is full of surprises.

This phrase expresses the endless wonders, unpredictabilities and discoveries that one can find in nature.

La nature est source d'inspiration pour les artistes.

English translation of La nature est source d'inspiration pour les artistes.

Nature is a source of inspiration for artists.

This sentence highlights how artists often draw inspiration from the natural world for their works.

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