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English translation of nation


The French word for 'nation' remains 'nation'. It is used in the same contexts as in English, representing a community of people who share a common language, history, culture, or geographic territory. It is used in political and social discussions, emphasizing identity and unity of a group of people.

Example sentences using: nation

La sécurité de la nation est primordiale.

English translation of La sécurité de la nation est primordiale.

The security of the nation is paramount.

This statement shows the importance of having secure national borders and defenses. In other words, protecting the citizens from external threats is among the highest priorities.

La nation a célébré l'héritage culturel.

English translation of La nation a célébré l'héritage culturel.

The nation celebrated the cultural heritage.

This sentence signifies a national celebration commemorating or appreciating the cultural heritage of the country. This could include recognizing traditional folklore, music, art, crafts, etc.

La nation doit se rassembler pour surmonter cette crise.

English translation of La nation doit se rassembler pour surmonter cette crise.

The nation must come together to overcome this crisis.

This sentence illustrates the need for unity in face of adversity or crisis. It emphasizes the collective effort by all citizen needed to overcome a national crisis situation.

Le leader de la nation a prononcé un discours inspirant.

English translation of Le leader de la nation a prononcé un discours inspirant.

The leader of the nation gave an inspiring speech.

Here, the phrase refers to the leader of a country (a president, prime minister etc.) delivering a speech that inspires and motivates the citizens.

Nous devons respecter les lois de la nation.

English translation of Nous devons respecter les lois de la nation.

We must respect the laws of the nation.

This emphasizes the importance of law adherence by citizens to maintain peace, order and justice in a country.

La fierté de la nation repose sur ses citoyens.

English translation of La fierté de la nation repose sur ses citoyens.

The pride of the nation rests on its citizens.

It alludes to the idea that the achievements of a country's citizens contribute greatly to national pride. It recognizes the significance of the people in making a nation praiseworthy.

La force de cette nation est sa diversité.

English translation of La force de cette nation est sa diversité.

The strength of this nation is its diversity.

This phrase is about the strength being derived from the diversity of its people. It signifies that embracing different cultures, languages, religions and races makes a nation stronger.

La nation se réjouit de cette victoire.

English translation of La nation se réjouit de cette victoire.

The nation rejoices in this victory.

This line refers to a countrywide celebration of a significant victory, for example, in a sports event, a war or a major national achievement.

La nation est à l'origine de notre identité.

English translation of La nation est à l'origine de notre identité.

The nation is at the origin of our identity.

This phrase is highlighting the role of a person's nation or country in shaping their identity. It tells us that the culture, customs, values, and history associated with our nation plays a significant role in determining who we are.

L'histoire de cette nation est fascinante.

English translation of L'histoire de cette nation est fascinante.

The history of this nation is fascinating.

It refers to the complex and compelling past of a certain country, which includes its evolutionary journey, struggles, achievements and its unique cultural heritage.

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