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English translation of mot


The French word for 'word' is 'mot'. It is used the same way as in English, to represent a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.

Example sentences using: mot

Quel est le mot correct pour cela?

English translation of Quel est le mot correct pour cela?

What is the correct word for this?

The sentence is asking for the right French term or vocabulary for a certain item, concept, or context.

Je n'arrive pas à me rappeler le mot.

English translation of Je n'arrive pas à me rappeler le mot.

I cannot remember the word.

This is used when the speaker is struggling to remember a particular word.

Ce mot est difficile à prononcer.

English translation of Ce mot est difficile à prononcer.

This word is hard to pronounce.

This sentence describes a word that is challenging to pronounce, which can happen often when learning a new language.

J'ai oublié comment écrire ce mot.

English translation of J'ai oublié comment écrire ce mot.

I have forgotten how to write this word.

The speaker can't recall the correct spelling of a word in French.

Ce mot n'a pas de traduction directe en anglais.

English translation of Ce mot n'a pas de traduction directe en anglais.

This word does not have a direct translation in English.

This is used when a French word does not have an exact equivalent or translation in another language like English.

J'apprends un nouveau mot chaque jour.

English translation of J'apprends un nouveau mot chaque jour.

I learn a new word every day.

This pertains to the speaker's practice of enhancing vocabulary by learning a new word daily.

Le mot 'fromage' signifie 'cheese' en anglais.

English translation of Le mot 'fromage' signifie 'cheese' en anglais.

The word 'fromage' means 'cheese' in English.

This is a basic example of translating a French word into its English equivalent.

Le mot que tu cherches est 'pomme'.

English translation of Le mot que tu cherches est 'pomme'.

The word you're looking for is 'apple'.

Used when the speaker knows the correct word that the listener is trying to recall.

C'est un mot très utilisé en français.

English translation of C'est un mot très utilisé en français.

This is a word frequently used in French.

This points out how common or frequently used a word is in the French language.

J'ai besoin de connaître le sens de ce mot.

English translation of J'ai besoin de connaître le sens de ce mot.

I need to know the meaning of this word.

This is used when the speaker does not know or understand the meaning of a French word.

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