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English translation of mois


The French word for 'month' is 'mois'. It is used in the same context as in English. For instance, if you want to say 'I will be there in a month', you would say 'Je serai là dans un mois'. It is a masculine noun, so when referring to a specific month you would use 'le' before it, for example 'le mois d'Août' for 'the month of August'.

Example sentences using: mois

Nous avons attendu des mois.

English translation of Nous avons attendu des mois.

We have been waiting for months.

This is a way of indicating the lengthy period of time someone has been waiting for.

Je pars en vacances dans deux mois.

English translation of Je pars en vacances dans deux mois.

I'm going on vacation in two months.

This is an example of how to tell the period of time in the future when an event will happen in the French language.

J'ai travaillé ici pendant six mois.

English translation of J'ai travaillé ici pendant six mois.

I have worked here for six months.

This is a way to express the duration of time that someone has spent doing a particular activity or being in a particular place.

Tu as un mois pour finir le projet.

English translation of Tu as un mois pour finir le projet.

You have one month to finish the project.

This sentence is used to set a deadline or time limit for a task to be completed.

Le mois prochain est mon anniversaire.

English translation of Le mois prochain est mon anniversaire.

Next month is my birthday.

This phrase is a way of saying when the speaker's birthday will occur, in this case, it will be in the following month.

Il a plu tout le mois.

English translation of Il a plu tout le mois.

It rained all month.

This sentence is used to talk about the weather over a specific period of time, in this case, the entire month.

C'est le dernier mois de l'été.

English translation of C'est le dernier mois de l'été.

It's the last month of summer.

This is a way to express where we are in the temporal progression of seasons.

Mon anniversaire est le mois dernier.

English translation of Mon anniversaire est le mois dernier.

My birthday was last month.

This phrase is used to state when a past event occurred, in this case, the speaker's birthday.

J'ai passé un mois en France.

English translation of J'ai passé un mois en France.

I spent a month in France.

This sentence is used to talk about a past period spent in a specific location, in this case, the period of one month spent in France.

Il y a douze mois dans une année.

English translation of Il y a douze mois dans une année.

There are twelve months in a year.

This sentence is used to state the number of months in a calendar year, which is universally recognized as twelve.

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