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English translation of mobile


The French word 'mobile' is used to refer to a mobile phone, just like in English. It is a common term in everyday conversation and is often used in contexts related to technology and communication.

Example sentences using: mobile

Ce jeu mobile est très amusant.

English translation of Ce jeu mobile est très amusant.

This mobile game is very fun.

This phrase is expressing the enjoyment someone receives from playing a specific game on their mobile device.

La station de radio mobile a été interrompue.

English translation of La station de radio mobile a été interrompue.

The mobile radio station has been interrupted.

In this sentence, someone is stating that the broadcasting of a mobile radio station has been temporarily suspended or stopped.

Mon téléphone mobile est perdu.

English translation of Mon téléphone mobile est perdu.

My mobile phone is lost.

This sentence is conveying a situation where someone has misplaced their mobile phone and can't find it.

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