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English translation of mère


The word 'mère' is a feminine noun in French and it is used similarly to the English word 'mother'. However, it is important to note that, unlike in English where 'mom' and 'mother' are common terms, in French typically only 'mère' is used. In French, 'maman' is often used as a more informal or affectionate term similar to 'mom' in English. However, 'mère' is generally more formal and respectful.

Example sentences using: mère

Ma mère prépare le dîner.

English translation of Ma mère prépare le dîner.

My mother is preparing dinner.

This sentence includes the possessive 'Ma' which translates to 'My', followed by 'mère' for 'mother'. The phrase 'prépare le dîner' indicates the mother's action of preparing dinner.

Ta mère est très gentille.

English translation of Ta mère est très gentille.

Your mother is very kind.

This sentence uses possessive 'Ta' for 'Your' followed by 'mère' for 'mother'. 'est très gentille' tells about the mother's character being very kind.

La mère de Jean est une enseignante.

English translation of La mère de Jean est une enseignante.

Jean's mother is a teacher.

'La mère de Jean' is the French equivalent of 'Jean's mother', followed by 'est une enseignante' which says that she is a teacher.

J'ai vu ta mère au marché.

English translation of J'ai vu ta mère au marché.

I saw your mother in the market.

This is a past tense sentence. 'J'ai vu' translates to 'I saw', followed by 'ta mère' for 'your mother' and 'au marché' expresses the location where the mother was seen.

La mère protège ses enfants.

English translation of La mère protège ses enfants.

The mother protects her children.

'La mère' is used for 'The mother' and 'protège' means 'protects'. 'Ses enfants' refers to 'her children'. This sentence speaks about a mother's protective nature.

Il manque à sa mère.

English translation of Il manque à sa mère.

He misses his mother.

This phrase uses 'Il' for 'He', 'manque' is 'misses', and 'à sa mère' expresses 'his mother'. It implies the son's longing towards his mother.

Le cadeau est pour ma mère.

English translation of Le cadeau est pour ma mère.

The gift is for my mother.

'Le cadeau' means 'The gift', 'est pour' translates to 'is for', and 'ma mère' is 'my mother'. It indicates the gift is meant for the speaker's mother.

Cette chanson rappelle ma mère à moi.

English translation of Cette chanson rappelle ma mère à moi.

This song reminds me of my mother.

This sentence describes a memory or emotion associated with the speaker's mother triggered by a song.

J'ai parlé de ma mère.

English translation of J'ai parlé de ma mère.

I spoke about my mother.

In this case, 'J'ai parlé de' means 'I spoke about', followed by 'ma mère' for 'my mother'. It indicates a previous conversation where the speaker mentioned his/her mother.

Je ressemble à ma mère.

English translation of Je ressemble à ma mère.

I resemble my mother.

In this phrase, 'Je ressemble à' expresses '[I] resemble' and 'ma mère' is 'my mother'. The speaker is stating a physical or character similarity with their mother.

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