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English translation of merci


The French equivalent of the English word 'thank' is 'merci'. It's used in the same context as in English, to express gratitude or acknowledgment. It's one of the most commonly used words in French and is universally understood among French speakers.

Example sentences using: merci

Merci pour la belle soirée.

English translation of Merci pour la belle soirée.

Thank you for the beautiful evening.

This is a way to express gratitude to someone for a wonderful time spent together. It implies that the speaker enjoyed spending time at an evening event or occasion and is thanking the hosts or the attendees for it.

Merci de votre patience.

English translation of Merci de votre patience.

Thank you for your patience.

This phrase is used to show appreciation for someone's understanding or patience, especially in a situation where they may have had to wait for a long time or deal with a difficult situation.

Merci de m'aider.

English translation of Merci de m'aider.

Thank you for helping me.

It is commonly used to express gratitude to someone for their assistance or support in a certain task or situation.

Merci pour ce beau cadeau.

English translation of Merci pour ce beau cadeau.

Thank you for this lovely gift.

This phrase is used to thank someone for a gift one has received. It implies a tone of appreciation and pleasure from the receiver.

Merci, je suis déjà servi.

English translation of Merci, je suis déjà servi.

Thank you, I've been served already.

This phrase is a polite way to turn down an offer, indicating that someone has already attended to your needs or provided you with what you required.

Merci de la proposition, mais je dois refuser.

English translation of Merci de la proposition, mais je dois refuser.

Thank you for the offer, but I have to refuse.

This is a polite way of refusing an offer or proposal, despite showing gratitude for the sentiment.

Merci pour votre attention.

English translation of Merci pour votre attention.

Thank you for your attention.

This phrase is often used in formal settings such as presentations, lectures, or meetings to thank the attendees for their focus and attentiveness.

Merci pour votre compréhension.

English translation of Merci pour votre compréhension.

Thank you for your understanding.

This phrase is used to show appreciation for someone's understanding or empathy, especially in a challenging or difficult situation.

Merci d'être venu.

English translation of Merci d'être venu.

Thank you for coming.

This phrase is used to express gratitude to someone for attending an event, meeting or gathering. It's a gracious way to acknowledge someone's presence and effort to be there.

Merci, c'était délicieux.

English translation of Merci, c'était délicieux.

Thank you, it was delicious.

This phrase is often said after a meal to express appreciation for the food. It's a polite way to show your satisfaction with the meal and to thank the cook or host.

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