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English translation of mention


The word 'mention' in French remains the same as in English, 'mention'. Usage would be 'Elle a fait une mention spéciale de ton travail' that translates as 'She made a special mention of your work'. Just like in English, it can be used to reference or speak about something or someone briefly or indirectly.

Example sentences using: mention

N'oublie pas de mentionner ton nom et ton adresse.

English translation of N'oublie pas de mentionner ton nom et ton adresse.

Don't forget to mention your name and address.

This sentence is instructing someone to remember to include their name and address, possibly in a letter or form. In French, 'N'oublie pas' means 'Don't forget', so it can be used when giving important reminders.

Il a mentionné que le restaurant était fermé.

English translation of Il a mentionné que le restaurant était fermé.

He mentioned that the restaurant was closed.

In this sentence, 'Il a mentionné' translates to 'he mentioned' and is used to relay information that a person previously stated about a restaurant being closed.

Dans votre lettre, vous avez mentionné les difficultés.

English translation of Dans votre lettre, vous avez mentionné les difficultés.

In your letter, you mentioned the difficulties.

This sentence is referring to a letter in which the recipient has previously referred to certain difficulties. 'Vous avez mentionné' translates to 'you mentioned'.

Elle n'a jamais mentionné qu'elle avait un frère.

English translation of Elle n'a jamais mentionné qu'elle avait un frère.

She never mentioned that she had a brother.

The sentence is about a woman who did not disclose that she has a brother. 'Elle n'a jamais mentionné' translates to 'She never mentioned'.

Vous devriez mentionner ce fait à votre avocat.

English translation of Vous devriez mentionner ce fait à votre avocat.

You should mention this fact to your lawyer.

This sentence is giving advice to someone, telling them that they should disclose certain information to their lawyer. 'Vous devriez mentionner' translates to 'you should mention'.

Le professeur n'a pas mentionné le devoir.

English translation of Le professeur n'a pas mentionné le devoir.

The teacher didn't mention the homework.

This sentence is expressing that the teacher didn't talk about the homework. 'Le professeur n'a pas mentionné' translates to 'the teacher didn't mention'.

J'aime la façon dont tu as mentionné ton point de vue.

English translation of J'aime la façon dont tu as mentionné ton point de vue.

I like the way you mentioned your point of view.

This sentence is used to compliment someone on how they presented their perspective or opinion. 'Tu as mentionné' translates to 'you mentioned'.

Il vaut mieux mentionner toutes les informations pertinentes.

English translation of Il vaut mieux mentionner toutes les informations pertinentes.

It's better to mention all the relevant information.

This sentence is giving some advice about providing all necessary details. 'Il vaut mieux mentionner' translates to 'it's better to mention'.

Il n'est pas nécessaire de mentionner chaque détail.

English translation of Il n'est pas nécessaire de mentionner chaque détail.

It's not necessary to mention every detail.

This sentence is advising that not every detail needs to be stated. 'Il n'est pas nécessaire de mentionner' translates to 'it's not necessary to mention'.

Elle a mentionné que le train était en retard.

English translation of Elle a mentionné que le train était en retard.

She mentioned that the train was late.

In this sentence, 'Elle a mentionné' translates to 'she mentioned'. It is used to denote that a woman relayed information about a train being late.

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