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English translation of membre


The term 'membre' in French refers to an individual who belongs to a group, society or team, much the same as 'member' in English. It is used to indicate inclusion within a body or organization. For instance, 'Je suis un membre de l'équipe' translates to 'I am a member of the team'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, from formal to colloquial.

Example sentences using: membre

Je suis un membre actif de cette équipe.

English translation of Je suis un membre actif de cette équipe.

I am an active member of this team.

This sentence shows the noun 'membre' being used to denote partaking membership in a team. Here, 'actif' denotes the participation style, which is active in this context. This phrase is typically used in work, school, sports, or extra-curricular activity settings.

Chaque membre de la famille a un rôle à jouer.

English translation of Chaque membre de la famille a un rôle à jouer.

Every family member has a role to play.

In this sentence, the term 'membre' is referring to a member of a family, implying that everyone has distinctive duties and responsibilities within it. This sentence can be used in various contexts to stress the importance of cooperation and contribution within a family.

Membre supérieur est une expression médicale pour désigner le bras.

English translation of Membre supérieur est une expression médicale pour désigner le bras.

Upper limb is a medical term to designate the arm.

This sentence demonstrates that 'membre' can also refer to a part of the body. In medical terminology, 'membre supérieur' refers to the upper limb, which is the arm in layman's terms.

Ce club accueille tout nouveau membre avec des fleurs.

English translation of Ce club accueille tout nouveau membre avec des fleurs.

This club welcomes every new member with flowers.

Here, the noun 'membre' is being used to indicate a new member of a club. By including 'avec des fleurs', the sentence is saying that each new member is welcomed with flowers.

Il a été exclu en tant que membre du parti.

English translation of Il a été exclu en tant que membre du parti.

He was expelled as a member of the party.

In this sentence, 'membre' signifies political membership in a party. Being 'exclu' or 'expelled', shows a disciplinary action taken by the party against the member.

Elle est le membre le plus important de l'équipe.

English translation of Elle est le membre le plus important de l'équipe.

She is the most important member of the team.

This sentence uses 'membre' to portray rank and importance in a team. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts where there is a homage to the most significant participant.

En tant que membre fondateur, je peux te dire que nos standards ont toujours été élevés.

English translation of En tant que membre fondateur, je peux te dire que nos standards ont toujours été élevés.

As a founding member, I can tell you that our standards have always been high.

This sentence showcases that the she is both a founding member of the organization and a key determinant of its standards. The term 'membre fondateur' signifies an individual who was part of the organization since its inception.

Nous sommes tous membres de la société humaine.

English translation of Nous sommes tous membres de la société humaine.

We are all members of human society.

Here, the word 'membre' is used in a broader, more abstract context--referring to each individual's place within humanity at large. This is a phrase commonly used to highlight our shared humanity and the importance of social cooperation.

Un membre du personnel prendra soin de vos affaires.

English translation of Un membre du personnel prendra soin de vos affaires.

A staff member will take care of your matters.

This phrase employs the term 'membre' to refer to a member of the staff of a business or organization. It underlines the responsibility of said staff member to tend to the needs or concerns of the client or customer.

Chaque membre doit payer une cotisation annuelle.

English translation of Chaque membre doit payer une cotisation annuelle.

Each member must pay an annual fee.

In the given sentence, 'membre' denotes a person within a group or organization who is subject to an annual fee, known as 'cotisation annuelle'. The context could be any organization or club that requires subscription fees from its members.

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