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English translation of meilleur


The French word for 'best' is 'meilleur'. It is commonly used in sentences to describe something or someone as superior or of higher value compared to others. Please note that this word may change depending on the gender and number of the noun it is referring to.

Example sentences using: meilleur

Un meilleur avenir vous attend.

English translation of Un meilleur avenir vous attend.

A better future awaits you.

The word 'meilleur' in French translates into 'better' in English. Here it's used to express an optimistic outlook about the future, anticipating a situation that is improved or superior compared to the present.

Il est le meilleur cuisinier du monde.

English translation of Il est le meilleur cuisinier du monde.

He is the best cook in the world.

In this example, 'meilleur' is used to denote the topmost position or the maximum level of skill in some activity, in this case, cooking.

J'ai besoin de faire de mon mieux pour être meilleur.

English translation of J'ai besoin de faire de mon mieux pour être meilleur.

I need to do my best to be better.

In this sentence, 'meilleur' translates to 'better'. By using 'meilleur', the speaker expresses a desire to improve or be superior to their current state.

Vous méritez un meilleur traitement.

English translation of Vous méritez un meilleur traitement.

You deserve better treatment.

In this context, 'meilleur' denotes a standard that is more enhanced than the present condition, in this case referring to treatment that should be superior, or better.

C'est la meilleure option pour nous.

English translation of C'est la meilleure option pour nous.

This is the best option for us.

Using 'meilleur' as 'best', the phrase is comparing and stating that among all options available, this one is the most advantageous or suitable for the individuals involved.

Nous espérons une meilleure compréhension à l'avenir.

English translation of Nous espérons une meilleure compréhension à l'avenir.

We hope for a better understanding in the future.

Here, 'meilleure' is the feminine form of 'meilleur' and translates to 'better'. The phrase conveys the expression of a desire for an improved level of understanding in the future.

C'est la meilleure partie du voyage.

English translation of C'est la meilleure partie du voyage.

This is the best part of the journey.

In this context, 'meilleure', the feminine form of 'meilleur', is used to communicate the part of the journey considered to be the most enjoyable or memorable compared to other parts.

J'espère avoir de meilleures nouvelles demain.

English translation of J'espère avoir de meilleures nouvelles demain.

I hope to have better news tomorrow.

The term 'meilleures', denotes a state that is superior than the current or past condition. The speaker hopes to receive news that are superior or better than what they already have.

C'est le meilleur jour de ma vie.

English translation of C'est le meilleur jour de ma vie.

This is the best day of my life.

In French, the word 'meilleur' is used to denote 'best' when comparing an aspect or condition. In this sentence, the speaker considers the day is better than any other day they have experienced in their life.

C'est le meilleur livre que j'aie jamais lu.

English translation of C'est le meilleur livre que j'aie jamais lu.

This is the best book I have ever read.

The use of 'meilleur' here signifies the highest quality. The speaker is making a comparison of all the books they have read, and considers this one to be of superior quality or impact.

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