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English translation of médias


In French, 'médias' is the translated term for 'media'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet) regarded collectively. Like in English, it can be used in singular or plural depending on the context, though plural (les médias) is more commonly used when referencing the media as a whole.

Example sentences using: médias

Les médias jouent un rôle important dans notre société.

English translation of Les médias jouent un rôle important dans notre société.

The media play an important role in our society.

This sentence talks about the significant role that the media, or 'médias', plays in influencing our society.

Il faut critiquer les médias pour leur partialité.

English translation of Il faut critiquer les médias pour leur partialité.

One must criticise the media for its bias.

In this context, 'médias' is used to address the media's bias that one has to criticize.

Les médias sociaux sont différents des médias traditionnels.

English translation of Les médias sociaux sont différents des médias traditionnels.

Social media are different from traditional media.

This statement makes a distinction between traditional media (médias traditionnels) such as newspapers and television, and social media (médias sociaux) like Facebook and Twitter.

Les médias peuvent parfois déformer la vérité.

English translation of Les médias peuvent parfois déformer la vérité.

The media can sometimes distort the truth.

This phrase suggests the idea that the media or 'médias' sometimes might not represent the truth accurately.

Il est important d'analyser les informations présentes dans les médias.

English translation of Il est important d'analyser les informations présentes dans les médias.

It is important to analyse the information presented in the media.

This sentence refers to the importance of analyzing or understanding the information that dispensed through the media.

Les médias peuvent influencer l'opinion publique.

English translation of Les médias peuvent influencer l'opinion publique.

The media can influence public opinion.

In this phrase, 'médias' refers to the idea that media can significantly sway or steer public opinion.

Elle travaille dans les médias.

English translation of Elle travaille dans les médias.

She works in the media.

Here, 'médias' is used to refer to the media industry where the person in the sentence works.

Je suis souvent frustré par les médias.

English translation of Je suis souvent frustré par les médias.

I am often frustrated by the media.

In this sentence, 'médias' is being used to express one's frequent annoyance or dissatisfaction with the media.

Les médias ont un grand pouvoir dans le monde d'aujourd'hui.

English translation of Les médias ont un grand pouvoir dans le monde d'aujourd'hui.

The media have great power in today's world.

In this context, 'médias' represents the media industry being described as a powerful entity in the modern world.

Tu dois vérifier tes sources avant de croire tout ce que les médias disent.

English translation of Tu dois vérifier tes sources avant de croire tout ce que les médias disent.

You must check your sources before believing everything the media say.

This phrase serves as a cautionary advice, implying that one should not trust everything conveyed by the media or 'médias' without checking the sources.

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