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English translation of matin


The French word 'matin' corresponds to the English word 'morning'. In French, 'matin' is used to describe the period of time from sunrise to noon. It is used in similar contexts as it is in English, such as in greeting 'bonjour' (good morning), or expressing time of day.

Example sentences using: matin

Je bois du café chaque matin.

English translation of Je bois du café chaque matin.

I drink coffee every morning.

This phrase signifies a habit of drinking coffee which is done each morning.

Je me réveille tôt tous les matins

English translation of Je me réveille tôt tous les matins

I wake up early every morning

This phrase indicates a daily routine happening each morning.

J'aime faire du jogging le matin.

English translation of J'aime faire du jogging le matin.

I like to go jogging in the morning.

This sentence talks about a personal preference for jogging in the morning.

Nous faisons du jogging tous les matins.

English translation of Nous faisons du jogging tous les matins.

We go jogging every morning.

This phrase signifies a habitual action done every morning.

Elle lit le journal chaque matin.

English translation of Elle lit le journal chaque matin.

She reads the newspaper every morning.

This phrase denotes a person's usual morning habit of reading news.

Il se brosse les dents tous les matins.

English translation of Il se brosse les dents tous les matins.

He brushes his teeth every morning.

This phrase signifies a daily routine of oral hygiene done every morning.

Le bus passe ici chaque matin.

English translation of Le bus passe ici chaque matin.

The bus passes here every morning.

This example phrase signifies a daily event involving bus schedule that happens every morning.

Elle fait du yoga tous les matins.

English translation of Elle fait du yoga tous les matins.

She does yoga every morning.

This phrase represents a regular daily practice of yoga done every morning.

Il fait froid le matin.

English translation of Il fait froid le matin.

It's cold in the morning.

This phrase describes a typical morning weather condition, indicating that mornings are usually cold.

Nous prenons le petit déjeuner ensemble le matin.

English translation of Nous prenons le petit déjeuner ensemble le matin.

We have breakfast together in the morning.

This phrase depicts a regular morning activity of dining together for breakfast.

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