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English translation of manger


The word 'manger' is an infinitive verb in French that translates to 'eat' in English. It can be used in different tenses to show the action of eating, similarly to how 'eat' is used in English sentences. For example, 'Je mange' means 'I eat'.

Example sentences using: manger

Je vais manger du pain.

English translation of Je vais manger du pain.

I am going to eat bread.

This sentence uses the verb 'manger' and the future proche tense, indicating an action that will happen in the near future.

Vous mangez une pomme.

English translation of Vous mangez une pomme.

You are eating an apple.

This sentence uses the verb 'manger' in the present tense, indicating an ongoing action.

Ils aiment manger au restaurant.

English translation of Ils aiment manger au restaurant.

They love to eat at the restaurant.

This sentence uses the verb 'manger' as an infinitive, following the verb 'aimer' (to love).

Nous devons manger maintenant.

English translation of Nous devons manger maintenant.

We have to eat now.

This sentence uses the verb 'manger' as an infinitive, following the verb 'devoir' (to have to).

Elle vient de manger.

English translation of Elle vient de manger.

She has just eaten.

This sentence uses the phrase 'venir de' followed by the verb 'manger' in the infinitive to indicate a recent past action.

Il faut manger pour vivre.

English translation of Il faut manger pour vivre.

One must eat to live.

In this sentence 'faut' is an impersonal verb used to express necessity, obligation, or advisability.

Je veux manger du chocolat.

English translation of Je veux manger du chocolat.

I want to eat some chocolate.

This sentence uses the verb 'manger' as an infinitive, following the verb 'vouloir' (to want).

Tu peux manger si tu veux.

English translation of Tu peux manger si tu veux.

You can eat if you want.

This sentence uses the verb 'manger' as an infinitive, following the verb 'pouvoir' (to be able to).

Ils ont mangé hier.

English translation of Ils ont mangé hier.

They ate yesterday.

This sentence uses the verb 'manger' in the past tense, indicating a completed action.

Elle va manger à la maison.

English translation of Elle va manger à la maison.

She is going to eat at home.

This sentence uses the verb 'manger' and the future proche tense, indicating an action that will happen in the near future.

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