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English translation of malgré


The French word 'malgré' is the equivalent of 'despite' in English. Just like 'despite', 'malgré' is used as a preposition expressing the contradiction between two situations. It means that something is happening or is true, even though something else might make you not expect it to happen or be true. For example, 'Malgré la pluie, nous avons joué au football' would translate to 'Despite the rain, we played football'.

Example sentences using: malgré

Elle a réussi son examen, malgré la difficulté.

English translation of Elle a réussi son examen, malgré la difficulté.

She passed her exam, despite the difficulty.

'Malgré' is used to show a contrast between two facts: the difficulty of the exam and the fact that she passed. It indicates a certain accomplishment despite a challenging circumstance.

Il souriait malgré la douleur.

English translation of Il souriait malgré la douleur.

He was smiling, despite the pain.

In this sentence, 'malgré' shows a contrast between the two situations: feeling pain and managing to smile nonetheless.

Nous avons décidé de partir en vacances malgré le mauvais temps.

English translation of Nous avons décidé de partir en vacances malgré le mauvais temps.

We decided to go on vacation despite the bad weather.

The phrase exemplifies the use of 'malgré' to demonstrate doing something even when the circumstances are not favorable (in this case, the bad weather).

Malgré son jeune âge, elle est très mature.

English translation of Malgré son jeune âge, elle est très mature.

Despite her young age, she is very mature.

In this phrase, 'malgré' is used to show a contrast between her young age and high level of maturity.

Il est resté aimable malgré la fatigue.

English translation of Il est resté aimable malgré la fatigue.

He remained kind, despite the fatigue.

'Malgré' illustrates the contrast between his state of fatigue and his ability to remain kind and pleasant.

Malgré le bruit, j'ai réussi à m'endormir.

English translation of Malgré le bruit, j'ai réussi à m'endormir.

Despite the noise, I managed to fall asleep.

'Malgré' in this sentence introduces an issue (the noise) that could potentially stop the speaker from performing an action (falling asleep), but didn't.

Elle garde le sourire malgré les difficultés.

English translation of Elle garde le sourire malgré les difficultés.

She keeps smiling, despite the difficulties.

The use of 'malgré' in this phrase demonstrates perseverance and positive attitude even in the face of difficulties.

Il travaille encore malgré sa retraite.

English translation of Il travaille encore malgré sa retraite.

He still works despite his retirement.

Here, 'malgré' is used to express the contrast between someone's retirement status and their continuing to work.

Ils restent optimistes malgré tout.

English translation of Ils restent optimistes malgré tout.

They remain optimistic despite everything.

In this phrase, 'malgré' helps illustrate the resilience and optimism of the people concerned, despite all the challenges they face.

Malgré la pluie, nous sommes allés faire une promenade.

English translation of Malgré la pluie, nous sommes allés faire une promenade.

Despite the rain, we went for a walk.

In this sentence, 'malgré' is used to introduce a phrase that shows a contrast or a difference from the expected situation. Despite the rain (an unfavorable situation), they still went for a walk (unpredicted action).

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