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English translation of maladie


The French word 'maladie' represents disease in English. It is a noun used in the same context as in English, to denote any disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location. It is a commonly used term in medical and health contexts.

Example sentences using: maladie

La peur de la maladie est parfois pire que la maladie elle-même.

English translation of La peur de la maladie est parfois pire que la maladie elle-même.

Fear of illness is sometimes worse than the illness itself.

This implies that people often overstress and worry about being ill which may in turn create more harm than the disease. Fear can sometimes have a greater impact on a person's well-being.

La maladie a changé sa vie pour toujours.

English translation of La maladie a changé sa vie pour toujours.

The disease has changed his life forever.

This phrase is implying that the effects of an illness have created a lasting transformation in a person's life. It could be referring to physical changes, psychological effects or alterations in lifestyle.

Je crois que j'ai attrapé une maladie.

English translation of Je crois que j'ai attrapé une maladie.

I think I've caught a disease.

This phrase is usually used when a person starts feeling sick and begins to suspect that they may have caught an illness.

Mon travail est d'étudier la progression de la maladie.

English translation of Mon travail est d'étudier la progression de la maladie.

My job is to study the progression of the disease.

This phrase refers to the job of medical researchers, doctors, or other healthcare professionals involved in tracking and studying how a disease progresses over time.

La maladie mentale est souvent sous-estimée en termes d'impact sur la vie.

English translation of La maladie mentale est souvent sous-estimée en termes d'impact sur la vie.

Mental illness is often underestimated in terms of its impact on life.

This phrase points out how people tend to undervalue the effects of mental illness on a person’s life, highlighting the lack of awareness about its consequences.

Face à la maladie, on découvre souvent sa vraie force.

English translation of Face à la maladie, on découvre souvent sa vraie force.

Facing illness, one often discovers their true strength.

This phrase communicates an optimistic view of a person discovering their resilience or inner strength in hardship, particularly when dealing with illness.

La compréhension de la maladie est la première étape vers la guérison.

English translation of La compréhension de la maladie est la première étape vers la guérison.

Understanding the disease is the first step towards healing.

This phrase underscores the importance of understanding an illness in order to manage it correctly and embark on the path to recovery.

Un bon régime alimentaire peut prévenir certaines maladies.

English translation of Un bon régime alimentaire peut prévenir certaines maladies.

A good diet can prevent certain diseases.

This phrase highlights the influential role that a healthy diet can play in disease prevention, emphasizing the importance of good nutrition in maintaining health.

La maladie est souvent invisible pour les autres.

English translation of La maladie est souvent invisible pour les autres.

The illness is often invisible to others.

This phrase shows illness as unseen discomforts or pains and that it cannot always be apparent to everyone else other than the person suffering from it, indicating it as a hidden challenge.

La maladie a emporté plusieurs membres de sa famille.

English translation of La maladie a emporté plusieurs membres de sa famille.

The disease took away several members of his family.

This phrase signifies the unfortunate reality of losing multiple family members due to a specific illness.

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