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English translation of main


The French word 'main' is used similarly to how we use 'hand' in English. It represents the part of the body at the end of the arm. It is mainly used in the context of holding things, touching, moving, etc., but there also exist expressions and phrases in French using 'main' like in English, for instance 'donner un coup de main' which literally translated to 'give a hand hit', but means 'to give a helping hand'.

Example sentences using: main

Ta main est chaude

English translation of Ta main est chaude

Your hand is warm

This phrase refers to someone making a physical observation about the warm temperature of another person's hand.

Il écrit de la main gauche

English translation of Il écrit de la main gauche

He writes with his left hand

This sentence describes someone writing with their left hand, suggesting they could be left-handed.

Il tient le livre dans sa main

English translation of Il tient le livre dans sa main

He holds the book in his hand

This phrase refers to a physical act of a person holding a book in his hand.

Elle m'a donné une pomme avec sa main

English translation of Elle m'a donné une pomme avec sa main

She gave me an apple with her hand

This sentence is about a person handing over an apple using her hand.

La main dans la main, ils sont partis

English translation of La main dans la main, ils sont partis

Hand in hand, they left

This phrase provides a visual description of two people leaving a place while holding hands.

J'ai mal à la main

English translation of J'ai mal à la main

My hand hurts

This sentence describes a person expressing physical pain in their hand.

Elle a une belle main

English translation of Elle a une belle main

She has a beautiful hand

This sentence expresses someone's aesthetic admiration of a woman's hand.

La clé est dans ma main

English translation of La clé est dans ma main

The key is in my hand

This phrase describes a person holding a key in their hand.

Il a la main verte

English translation of Il a la main verte

He has a green thumb

This idiomatic phrase refers to someone's natural skill or talent in gardening and growing plants.

Je me suis coupé la main en cuisine

English translation of Je me suis coupé la main en cuisine

I cut my hand while cooking

This phrase describes an accident that occurred while cooking where the person cut their hand.

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