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English translation of lumière


The French word for light is 'lumière'. It is used similarly to English, referring both to visible light and the concept of 'lightness'. However, do note that for colors, 'light' translates to 'clair', as in 'bleu clair' for light blue. When referring to weight, 'light' translates to 'léger'. 'Lumière' is mainly used when describing illumination or brightness.

Example sentences using: lumière

La lumière du soleil passe par la fenêtre.

English translation of La lumière du soleil passe par la fenêtre.

The sunlight comes through the window.

This sentence describes a situation where the sunlight, 'la lumière du soleil' in French, is coming through the window. 'Passe par la fenêtre' translates to 'comes through the window'.

Je suis ébloui par la lumière.

English translation of Je suis ébloui par la lumière.

I'm dazzled by the light.

This sentence expresses someone's feeling of being dazzled or overwhelmed by light, 'la lumière' in French. 'Je suis ébloui' translates to 'I'm dazzled'.

Nous avons besoin de plus de lumière dans cette pièce.

English translation of Nous avons besoin de plus de lumière dans cette pièce.

We need more light in this room.

This sentence indicates a need for more light, 'lumière' in French, in a certain room. 'Nous avons besoin de plus de' translates 'we need more of'.

La lumière de la lune illuminait le chemin.

English translation of La lumière de la lune illuminait le chemin.

The moonlight was illuminating the path.


Éteins la lumière avant de partir.

English translation of Éteins la lumière avant de partir.

Turn off the light before leaving.

This sentence instructs someone to turn off the light, 'la lumière' in French, before leaving. 'Éteins' translates to 'turn off'.

La lumière de l'aube signalait un nouveau jour.

English translation of La lumière de l'aube signalait un nouveau jour.

The dawn light signaled a new day.

This sentence tells of dawn light, 'la lumière de l'aube' in French, signaling a new day. 'Signalait un nouveau jour' translates to 'signaled a new day'.

La lumière des étoiles est belle à regarder.

English translation of La lumière des étoiles est belle à regarder.

The light from the stars is beautiful to look at.

This sentence comments on the beauty of starlight, 'la lumière des étoiles' in French. 'Est belle à regarder' translates to 'is beautiful to look at'.

La lumière de ta présence me réconforte.

English translation of La lumière de ta présence me réconforte.

The light of your presence comforts me.

This sentence expresses how someone's presence feels like light, 'la lumière' in French, that provides comfort. 'Me réconforte' translates to 'comforts me'.

N'éteignez pas la lumière, s'il vous plaît.

English translation of N'éteignez pas la lumière, s'il vous plaît.

Please, don't turn off the light.

This sentence makes a polite request not to turn off the light, 'la lumière' in French. 'N'éteignez pas' translates to 'don't turn off'.

La lumière sur le tableau est trop intense.

English translation of La lumière sur le tableau est trop intense.

The light on the painting is too intense.

This sentence tells that the light, 'la lumière' in French, shining on a painting is too intense. 'Est trop intense' translates to 'is too intense'.

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