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English translation of lui-même


In French, 'lui-même' is used to refer to 'himself'. It is a reflexive pronoun used when the subject and the object of the sentence are the same person. We use 'lui-même' when the subject is masculine. It can be used in different contexts, such as emphasizing importance or indicating that an action is done without any help.

Example sentences using: lui-même

L'auteur va lire le livre lui-même.

English translation of L'auteur va lire le livre lui-même.

The author will read the book himself.


Il a fait tout le travail lui-même.

English translation of Il a fait tout le travail lui-même.

He did all the work himself.

In this sentence, 'lui-même' is used to emphasize that the person performed the action by himself, without any assistance.

Il doit se responsabiliser et résoudre le problème lui-même.

English translation of Il doit se responsabiliser et résoudre le problème lui-même.

He has to take responsibility and solve the problem himself.

Here, the phrase 'lui-même' is used to emphasize that the person needs to solve the problem without help from others.

Il a conçu la maison lui-même.

English translation of Il a conçu la maison lui-même.

He designed the house himself.

In this example, 'lui-même' signifies that the person was the sole designer of the house, not relying on any other individual.

Il a décidé de faire le gâteau lui-même.

English translation of Il a décidé de faire le gâteau lui-même.

He decided to make the cake himself.

Here the word 'lui-même' is used to emphasize that the person decided to make the cake on his own, without any help.

Il faut qu'il apprenne à le faire lui-même.

English translation of Il faut qu'il apprenne à le faire lui-même.

He needs to learn how to do it himself.

In this expression, 'lui-même' is used to stress that the person needs to independently learn how to perform the task, rather than relying on others.

Le musicien a écrit la chanson lui-même.

English translation of Le musicien a écrit la chanson lui-même.

The musician wrote the song himself.

In this articulation, 'lui-même' has been used to express the fact that the musician independently wrote the song, meaning there was no co-writer.

Il a réparé la voiture lui-même.

English translation of Il a réparé la voiture lui-même.

He fixed the car himself.

This statement indicates that the person has repaired the car by himself without any assistance, emphasizing on the word 'lui-même'.

Le peintre va vendre ses peintures lui-même.

English translation of Le peintre va vendre ses peintures lui-même.

The painter is going to sell his paintings himself.

In this declaration 'lui-même' emphasizes on the fact that the painter will not be using a middleman or a gallery to sell his paintings. He will be doing it personally.

Il se parle lui-même dans le miroir.

English translation of Il se parle lui-même dans le miroir.

He talks to himself in the mirror.

In this phrase, 'lui-même' is used to emphasize that the person is talking to none other than himself while looking in the mirror.

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