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English translation of libération


The French term for 'release' is 'libération', the noun used when releasing someone from jail or a contract. It can also be used in the non-specific context when something is set free. Phrases can vary as 'mettre en libération conditionnelle' (to release on parole) or 'dater de libération' (release date). This term is widely used in French literary and daily conversation.

Example sentences using: libération

La libération de l'école était rapide.

English translation of La libération de l'école était rapide.

The school's release was quick.

This sentence is talking about a quick release from school, suggesting an early closure or dismissal.

Je suis impatient pour la libération de cette musique.

English translation of Je suis impatient pour la libération de cette musique.

I am excited for the release of this music.

In this sentence, 'libération' is used to describe the release of a music album or song.

La libération des otages a été bien organisée.

English translation of La libération des otages a été bien organisée.

The release of the hostages was well organised.

Here, 'libération' refers to the release of hostages after a kidnap situation.

Il a participé à la libération de la ville.

English translation of Il a participé à la libération de la ville.

He participated in the liberation of the city.

In this context, 'libération' refers to the act of freeing a city from occupation or control.

La libération de la tension a fait du bien.

English translation of La libération de la tension a fait du bien.

The release of tension felt good.

This phrase uses 'libération' to refer to the relief or release from stress or tension.

La libération de sa colère était nécessaire.

English translation of La libération de sa colère était nécessaire.

The release of his anger was necessary.

In this sentence, 'libération' refers to letting out or releasing one's anger.

La libération de notre maison a pris du temps.

English translation of La libération de notre maison a pris du temps.

The release of our house took time.

Here, 'libération' could refer to the process of legally freeing a property from a mortgage or other obligations.

La libération des données sera bénéfique pour nous tous.

English translation of La libération des données sera bénéfique pour nous tous.

The release of the data will be beneficial for all of us.

In this phrase, 'libération' is used to indicate the sharing or release of information or data to the public.

La libération de ses sentiments était émouvante.

English translation of La libération de ses sentiments était émouvante.

The liberation of her feelings was moving.

This sentence uses 'libération' to refer to expressing or releasing one's emotions freely.

Il a appelé à la libération du prisonnier politique.

English translation of Il a appelé à la libération du prisonnier politique.

He called for the release of the political prisoner.

In this context, 'libération' refers to the process of freeing a prisoner, specifically, a political prisoner.

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