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la plupart

English translation of la plupart


The French word 'la plupart' is used to indicate the majority of something. It is very similar to how 'most' is used in English. Used in a sentence, it could be like 'La plupart des étudiants aiment le Français' where it translates to 'Most students like French'. Note that 'la plupart' is followed by 'de' plus a noun.

Example sentences using: la plupart

La plupart des gens aiment voyager.

English translation of La plupart des gens aiment voyager.

Most people like to travel.

In this example, 'La plupart' is used to mean 'most'. It's similar to English where 'the most' can be used to refer to the majority of a specified group.

Il ignore ce que la plupart pensent de lui.

English translation of Il ignore ce que la plupart pensent de lui.

He ignores what most think of him.

'La plupart' can also refer to 'most' of a group in a general sense. Here, 'la plupart' refers to the majority of unspecified people.

La plupart du temps, elle est heureuse.

English translation of La plupart du temps, elle est heureuse.

Most of the time, she is happy.

'La plupart du temps' translates to 'most of the time'. This phrase is typically used when referring to a majority portion of a certain time period.

Il a gagné la plupart de ses matchs.

English translation of Il a gagné la plupart de ses matchs.

He won most of his matches.

Here, 'la plupart' is used to indicate the majority of a defined set ('his matches').

La plupart d'entre eux sont heureux ici.

English translation of La plupart d'entre eux sont heureux ici.

Most of them are happy here.

'La plupart' is used to refer to a majority or 'most' from a referred group, in this case 'them'.

La plupart des accidents se produisent à la maison.

English translation of La plupart des accidents se produisent à la maison.

Most accidents happen at home.

'La plupart' indicates the majority or 'most' of a general category, in this case 'accidents'.

J'ai lu la plupart de ces livres.

English translation of J'ai lu la plupart de ces livres.

I have read most of these books.

In this situation, 'la plupart' indicates the greater part of a certain group, here being 'these books'.

La plupart d'entre vous savent ce qui s'est passé.

English translation of La plupart d'entre vous savent ce qui s'est passé.

Most of you know what happened.

'La plupart' in this sentence is used to refer to 'most' in a specific group of people, in this case 'you'.

La plupart de ses films sont des comédies.

English translation of La plupart de ses films sont des comédies.

Most of his films are comedies.

'La plupart' is used here to refer to the majority of a defined set, which in this case is 'his films'.

La plupart des gens n'aiment pas attendre.

English translation of La plupart des gens n'aiment pas attendre.

Most people do not like to wait.

Here, 'la plupart' indicates 'most' of a general group, 'people', somewhat similar to the usage of 'most' in English.

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