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la nativité

English translation of la nativité


The word 'la nativité' in French is primarily used to refer to the birth of Jesus Christ in Christian tradition, similarly to how 'nativity' is used in English. However, it can also be used more generally to refer to the act or place of birth. It is commonly used around the Christmas period in reference to 'nativity plays' and 'nativity scenes'.

Example sentences using: la nativité

English translation of La nativité est une œuvre artistique populaire pendant Noël.

The nativity is a popular artistic work during Christmas.

This sentence refers to the common practice of depicting the nativity, or birth of Jesus, in various forms of art, particularly during the Christmas season.

Marie était une figure centrale dans la nativité.

English translation of Marie était une figure centrale dans la nativité.

Mary was a central figure in the nativity.

This sentence is referring to the role of Mary, mother of Jesus, in the biblical story of the nativity.

La nativité est souvent représentée dans les églises.

English translation of La nativité est souvent représentée dans les églises.

The nativity is often depicted in churches.

This sentence is talking about how depictions of the nativity, or birth of Jesus, are commonly found in Christian churches.

La nativité est généralement célébrée le 25 décembre.

English translation of La nativité est généralement célébrée le 25 décembre.

The nativity is usually celebrated on December 25th.

In this sentence, the speaker is referring to the common practice of celebrating the nativity, or birth of Jesus Christ, on the date of December 25th.

La nativité est un sujet commun dans la littérature chrétienne.

English translation of La nativité est un sujet commun dans la littérature chrétienne.

The nativity is a common subject in Christian literature.

This sentence reveals the prominence of the nativity, or birth of Jesus, as a topic in works of Christian literature.

La nativité a toujours été un thème central dans l'art chrétien.

English translation of La nativité a toujours été un thème central dans l'art chrétien.

The nativity has always been a central theme in Christian art.

This sentence discusses the prominence of the nativity scene in the art associated with the Christian faith.

La nativité est un sujet de contemplation pendant la prière.

English translation of La nativité est un sujet de contemplation pendant la prière.

The nativity is a subject of contemplation during prayer.

This sentence is referring to the practice of reflecting upon the nativity, or birth of Jesus, during times of prayer.

La nativité est un événement clé de l'histoire chrétienne.

English translation of La nativité est un événement clé de l'histoire chrétienne.

The nativity is a key event in Christian history.

This sentence refers to the vital role of the nativity, or birth of Jesus, in the history of the Christian faith.

La nativité inspire de nombreuses chansons de Noël.

English translation of La nativité inspire de nombreuses chansons de Noël.

The nativity inspires many Christmas songs.

This sentence refers to the influence of the nativity story on the creation of numerous Christmas songs.

La nativité est une histoire d'espoir et de joie pour beaucoup.

English translation of La nativité est une histoire d'espoir et de joie pour beaucoup.

The nativity is a story of hope and joy for many.

This statement talks about the common interpretation of the nativity, or birth of Jesus, as a story that brings hope and joy.

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