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La grand-mère

English translation of La grand-mère

The grandmother

In French, 'la grand-mère' refers to the mother of one's mother or father. It is a feminine noun, so you use 'la' (the) instead of 'le'. This word is quite straightforward to use. Simply replace 'the grandmother' with 'la grand-mère' in a sentence.

Example sentences using: La grand-mère

La grand-mère prépare le dîner dans la cuisine.

English translation of La grand-mère prépare le dîner dans la cuisine.

The grandmother is preparing dinner in the kitchen.

This sentence is using 'La grand-mère' to indicate an action performed by the grandmother. In this context, she is preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Jean adore visiter la grand-mère pendant les vacances.

English translation of Jean adore visiter la grand-mère pendant les vacances.

Jean loves visiting the grandmother during the holidays.

Here, 'La grand-mère' is used to signify a person Jean visits during the holidays. In this sentence, Jean enjoys visiting his grandmother.

La grand-mère de Pierre habite dans une petite ville.

English translation of La grand-mère de Pierre habite dans une petite ville.

Pierre's grandmother lives in a small town.

In this sample, 'La grand-mère' is utilized to show relationship and residence. Specifically, it tells about Pierre's grandmother living in a small town.

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