The word 'jeune' in French translates to 'young' in English. It is an adjective used to describe someone who is in the early stages of life, has little experience, or in reference to emphasizing freshness or renewal. It is commonly used in contexts such as 'jeune homme' (young man), 'jeune femme' (young woman), and 'jeune âge' (young age). The placement of 'jeune' can vary in the sentence but it usually placed before the noun it is describing.
I am a young artist.
The sentence uses 'jeune' to describe the noun 'artiste' (artist), indicating youth or being early in an artistic career.
She is a young woman.
Here, 'jeune' is modifying 'femme' (woman). The sentence communicates that she is young or in the early part of adulthood.
He was a young boy.
The adjective 'jeune' is used to describe a 'garçon' (boy), indicating that he is in his childhood or early adolescence.
Young people love sports.
'Jeunes' is used before 'gens' (people) to collectively refer to the youth or younger generation who enjoy sports.
I met a talented young musician.
The phrase uses 'jeune' to describe 'musicien' (musician) to imply that the musician is in the early phase of his career, despite being talented.
The young girl is my cousin.
In this sentence, 'jeune' is a descriptor for 'fille' (girl), indicating she is in her early years.
He has a young sister.
'Jeune' is used to describe 'sœur' (sister), which means that the sister is younger than the subject of the sentence.
The cat is still young.
'Jeune' is used after 'est' (is) to indicate that the cat is still in its early years.
My mother was a young bride.
'Jeune' modifies 'mariée' (bride) to depict that when the speaker's mother got married, she was young.
I work with a young boss.
'Jeune' precedes 'chef' (boss) to imply that the boss is young or relatively new in his or her role.