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English translation of jeter


The word 'jeter' is a French verb that translates to 'throw' in English. It is usually used in the context of throwing something physically, like a ball or an object. It can also be used metaphorically, such as 'jeter un coup d'œil' meaning to 'throw a glance' or take a quick look.

Example sentences using: jeter

Il a décidé de jeter l'éponge.

English translation of Il a décidé de jeter l'éponge.

He decided to throw in the towel.

'Jeter l'éponge' is a French idiomatic expression equivalent to the English phrase 'to throw in the towel’, which means to give up or quit.

N'oubliez pas de jeter vos déchets dans la poubelle.

English translation of N'oubliez pas de jeter vos déchets dans la poubelle.

Don't forget to throw your trash in the bin.

This sentence is instructing someone not to forget to properly dispose of their garbage by throwing it into the trash bin.

Paul va jeter un coup d’œil à son devoir.

English translation of Paul va jeter un coup d’œil à son devoir.

Paul is going to take a look at his homework.

In French, 'jeter un coup d'oeil' is a colloquial expression which literally translates to 'throw a glance', but it means 'to take a quick look at something'.

La police a commencé à jeter un filet pour attraper le criminel.

English translation of La police a commencé à jeter un filet pour attraper le criminel.

The police began to cast a net to catch the criminal.

In this context, 'jeter un filet' is a figurative expression that means to spread out efforts or resources in order to achieve something, in this case, to catch a criminal.

Vous pouvez jeter ces papiers s’ils ne sont plus nécessaires.

English translation of Vous pouvez jeter ces papiers s’ils ne sont plus nécessaires.

You can throw away these papers if they are not needed anymore.

This sentence is instructing someone to dispose of certain items (papers) if they are no longer necessary or after they have been used.

Je vais jeter mes vieilles chaussures.

English translation of Je vais jeter mes vieilles chaussures.

I am going to throw out my old shoes.

In this case, the speaker is indicating that they intend to dispose of or get rid of their old shoes.

Joseph a juré de ne jamais jeter l'argent par les fenêtres.

English translation of Joseph a juré de ne jamais jeter l'argent par les fenêtres.

Joseph swore never to throw money out the window.

'Jeter l'argent par les fenêtres' is a French idiom which is equivalent to the English phrase 'to throw money out the window', meaning to waste money.

Ne jetez pas le bébé avec l'eau du bain.

English translation of Ne jetez pas le bébé avec l'eau du bain.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

This phrase is an idiomatic expression in both French and English, which means not to eliminate something good or useful while trying to get rid of the undesired or harmful parts.

Ma mère m'a dit de jeter les vieilles boîtes.

English translation of Ma mère m'a dit de jeter les vieilles boîtes.

My mother told me to throw out the old boxes.

Here, the speaker is being instructed to dispose of old boxes, presumably because they are no longer needed or are taking up space.

N'hésite pas à jeter ce qui n'est plus utilisé.

English translation of N'hésite pas à jeter ce qui n'est plus utilisé.

Don't hesitate to throw away what is no longer used.

In this sentence, someone is being advised not to hesitate to get rid of items that are no longer in use.

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