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English translation of jambe


The French word for 'leg' is 'jambe'. It is used in the same way as in English: to describe the part of the body from the hip to the foot. It is also used in various phrases and expressions, such as 'avoir les jambes en coton' which translates to 'to have legs of cotton', meaning to feel weak.

Example sentences using: jambe

J'ai mal à la jambe.

English translation of J'ai mal à la jambe.

My leg hurts.

This phrase is normally used to express bodily pain or discomfort. In this case, the speaker is expressing that they have pain in their leg.

Tu as une belle jambe.

English translation of Tu as une belle jambe.

You have a beautiful leg.

This phrase is usually used to compliment someone's physical appearance. Here, the speaker is complimenting the listener on the beauty of their leg.

Il marche avec une jambe cassée.

English translation of Il marche avec une jambe cassée.

He is walking with a broken leg.

This phrase is used to describe a particular situation where a person is walking despite having a broken leg. It can be used to highlight the person's determination or the severity of their condition.

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