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English translation of intérêt


The French word 'intérêt' is used similarly to the English word 'interest.' It can refer to a feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone. Additionally, it can also refer to an advantage or benefit, or it can represent the monetary charge for the use of borrowed money. The context will usually make it clear which meaning is intended.

Example sentences using: intérêt

Il a un grand intérêt pour la politique.

English translation of Il a un grand intérêt pour la politique.

He has a great interest in politics.

Here, 'intérêt' is used to express the sense of the attention that you give to something because you enjoy it or think it is important, in this context, politics.

C'est dans votre meilleur intérêt de rester calme.

English translation of C'est dans votre meilleur intérêt de rester calme.

It is in your best interest to remain calm.

In this sentence, 'intérêt' is used to indicate advantage or benefit. The phrase suggests it would be beneficial for the person to stay calm.

L'intérêt des enfants devrait être une priorité.

English translation of L'intérêt des enfants devrait être une priorité.

The interest of children should be a priority.

In this example, 'intérêt' means the advantages or benefits that someone have. The sentence suggests that children's wellbeing or benefit should be a focal point or a priority.

Le prêt a un taux d'intérêt de 3%.

English translation of Le prêt a un taux d'intérêt de 3%.

The loan has an interest rate of 3%.

In the context of finances, 'intérêt' can refer to the extra money that you pay back when you borrow money or that you earn when you invest money. In this sentence, it refers to the extra money that you need to pay back for the loan.

Elle montre un intérêt dans l'apprentissage du français.

English translation of Elle montre un intérêt dans l'apprentissage du français.

She shows an interest in learning French.

In this context, 'intérêt' refers to the attention or enthusiasm she has for learning French.

Quel est votre intérêt dans cette affaire?

English translation of Quel est votre intérêt dans cette affaire?

What is your interest in this matter?

This phrase is asking about someone's stake or concern in a particular situation or event.

Il a un intérêt personnel dans l'entreprise.

English translation of Il a un intérêt personnel dans l'entreprise.

He has a personal interest in the business.

In this case, 'intérêt' could mean that the person has a personal stake or benefit in the business.

L'intérêt du public pour l'environnement est croissant.

English translation of L'intérêt du public pour l'environnement est croissant.

Public interest in the environment is growing.

Here, 'intérêt' refers to the public's attention or concern about the environment. The phrase suggests that more and more people are becoming concerned about environmental issues.

L'intérêt de cet article est devenu clair.

English translation of L'intérêt de cet article est devenu clair.

The interest of this article has become clear.

In this sentence, 'intérêt' could mean the value or importance of this article. The phrase is suggesting that reasons why this article is important or relevant have become apparent.

L'intérêt pour la musique classique est à la hausse.

English translation of L'intérêt pour la musique classique est à la hausse.

Interest in classical music is on the rise.

In this sentence, 'intérêt' is used to express a strong liking or enthusiasm for something, in this case, classical music. The phrase suggests that more people are becoming interested in classical music.

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