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English translation of industrie


The French equivalent of 'industry' is 'industrie'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a particular form or branch of economic or commercial activity. It can also relate to a group of manufacturers or businesses that produce a particular kind of goods or services.

Example sentences using: industrie

L'industrie automobile est très importante pour l'économie.

English translation of L'industrie automobile est très importante pour l'économie.

The automotive industry is very important for the economy.

This sentence is pointing out the significance of the automobile industry to the economy. The automobile industry could refer to a country's economy as a whole or an individual's economic condition.

La France a une industrie du vin bien développée.

English translation of La France a une industrie du vin bien développée.

France has a well-developed wine industry.

This sentence demonstrates that the wine industry in France is advanced or flourishing.

L'industrie de la mode influence notre façon de nous habiller.

English translation of L'industrie de la mode influence notre façon de nous habiller.

The fashion industry influences our way of dressing.

In this sentence, we can see how the fashion industry could shape people's choice of attire.

L'industrie cinématographique crée de nombreux emplois.

English translation of L'industrie cinématographique crée de nombreux emplois.

The film industry creates many jobs.

This sentence indicates that the film industry is a significant source of employment.

La pollution industrielle est un enjeu majeur actuellement.

English translation of La pollution industrielle est un enjeu majeur actuellement.

Industrial pollution is currently a major issue.

This sentence highlights the urgent issue of pollution originating from industries.

Il travaille dans l'industrie de la musique.

English translation of Il travaille dans l'industrie de la musique.

He works in the music industry.

This sentence indicates that someone's occupation is related to the music industry.

L'industrie alimentaire peut parfois être critiquée pour ses pratiques.

English translation of L'industrie alimentaire peut parfois être critiquée pour ses pratiques.

The food industry can sometimes be criticized for its practices.

This sentence indicates that the food industry can be disapproved or censured for the methods it uses.

L'innovation joue un rôle clé dans l'industrie de la technologie.

English translation of L'innovation joue un rôle clé dans l'industrie de la technologie.

Innovation plays a key role in the technology industry.

It specifies that innovation is significant and very influential in the technology industry.

L'industrie du tourisme souffre de la pandémie.

English translation of L'industrie du tourisme souffre de la pandémie.

The tourism industry is suffering from the pandemic.

This phrase points out the negative impact of the pandemic on the tourism industry.

Beaucoup d'étudiants aspirent à travailler dans l'industrie du jeu vidéo.

English translation of Beaucoup d'étudiants aspirent à travailler dans l'industrie du jeu vidéo.

Many students aspire to work in the video game industry.

This sentence mentions that a lot of students have an ambition to work in the video game industry.

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