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English translation of incluant


The French word 'incluant' is used similarly to the English word 'including'. It is commonly used in the context of wanting to express the action of considering, counting or containing someone or something as a part of a whole or group. The usage of 'incluant' is generally similar across all French-speaking regions.

Example sentences using: incluant

Nous fournissons de nombreux services, incluant le tutorat.

English translation of Nous fournissons de nombreux services, incluant le tutorat.

We provide many services, including tutoring.

The example sentence showcases how 'incluant' can be used in terms of providing a list with an additional service or item not previously described.

Il y a plusieurs facteurs à considérer, incluant le coût.

English translation of Il y a plusieurs facteurs à considérer, incluant le coût.

There are various factors to consider, including the cost.

In this sentence, 'incluant' is used to enumerate an important factor that should be considered among others.

Le menu avait plusieurs options incluant du végétarien.

English translation of Le menu avait plusieurs options incluant du végétarien.

The menu had several options including vegetarian.

Here, 'incluant' was used to specify that the menu comprises also vegetarian options.

C'est une réunion incluant tous les membres de l'équipe.

English translation of C'est une réunion incluant tous les membres de l'équipe.

It's a meeting including all team members.

This sentence uses 'incluant' to indicate that the meeting calls for the presence of all team members.

L'entreprise offre des avantages, incluant un plan de santé.

English translation of L'entreprise offre des avantages, incluant un plan de santé.

The company offers benefits, including a health plan.

This sentence uses 'incluant' to express the addition of a health plan among the offered benefits.

Je prévois visiter des pays européens, incluant la France et l'Italie.

English translation of Je prévois visiter des pays européens, incluant la France et l'Italie.

I plan to visit European countries, including France and Italy.

In this context, 'incluant' is used to specify two of the multiple countries the speaker intends to visit.

L'hôtel a plusieurs installations, incluant une piscine et une salle de gym.

English translation of L'hôtel a plusieurs installations, incluant une piscine et une salle de gym.

The hotel has several facilities, including a swimming pool and a gym.

This sentence utilises 'incluant' to further specify what kind facilities the hotel offers.

Elle a écrit plusieurs livres, incluant des romans et des essais.

English translation of Elle a écrit plusieurs livres, incluant des romans et des essais.

She has written many books, including novels and essays.

In this sentence 'incluant' is utilized to describe the types of books the woman wrote.

L'excursion comprenait plusieurs arrêts, incluant des musées et des restaurants locaux.

English translation of L'excursion comprenait plusieurs arrêts, incluant des musées et des restaurants locaux.

The tour included several stops, including museums and local restaurants.

In this sentence, 'incluant' identifies some of the places that the tour will include.

Il dispose d'une vaste expérience, incluant des postes de direction.

English translation of Il dispose d'une vaste expérience, incluant des postes de direction.

He has a broad experience, including leadership positions.

In this phrase, 'incluant' points out one particular aspect of the man's extensive experience.

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