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English translation of haut


The word 'haut' is the French translation for the English word 'high'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, such as to describe something that is physically at a large distance from the ground, of great vertical extent, greater than average in quantity or size, or denoting a high degree of a certain quality. Remember, like many words, exact usage can depend on the context.

Example sentences using: haut

La montagne est très haut.

English translation of La montagne est très haut.

The mountain is very high.

In this sentence, 'haut' is used to indicate the height of the mountain. The literal translation is 'The mountain is very high.' Note that, in French, the adjective usually comes after the noun.

Il saute haut.

English translation of Il saute haut.

He jumps high.

This sentence is indicating an action, that he is jumping high. The word 'haut' in this sentence is used to describe the extent or degree of the action.

La voix est trop haut.

English translation of La voix est trop haut.

The voice is too high.

In this context, 'haut' is used to describe the pitch of someone's voice. It is similar to English in which high can also refer to a high pitch.

Le soleil est haut dans le ciel.

English translation of Le soleil est haut dans le ciel.

The sun is high in the sky.

This sentence is using 'haut' to give the position of the sun in the sky, similar to what is done in English.

Les prix sont hauts.

English translation of Les prix sont hauts.

Prices are high.

Here 'hauts' describes the level of the prices which is high in this sentence. Similarly to English, 'high' in French can also be used to describe a large or significant amount.

Il travaille en haut.

English translation of Il travaille en haut.

He works upstairs.

'En haut' in this sentence is used to denote the location where the person works, which is upstairs.

La tour est haut.

English translation of La tour est haut.

The tower is high.

In this sentence, 'haut' is used to indicate the height of the tower, like how it would be used in English.

Ils vivent en haut.

English translation of Ils vivent en haut.

They live upstairs.

'En haut' is used in this sentence to denote the location where the people live, which is upstairs.

Le volume est trop haut.

English translation of Le volume est trop haut.

The volume is too high.

Similar to English, 'haut' is used in this context to indicate a high level of sound or volume.

Il habite en haut de la colline.

English translation of Il habite en haut de la colline.

He lives at the top of the hill.

In this sentence, 'en haut de' is a French phrase used to indicate the position at the highest point or top of something, such as a hill in this case.

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