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English translation of Gymnastique


The French word for 'Gymnastics' is 'Gymnastique'. It is used in the same way as English, referring to a sport involving the performance of exercises requiring strength, flexibility, balance, and control. It can be used in various contexts, whether referring to the activity as a whole, specific techniques or movements, or the place where such activities are performed.

Example sentences using: Gymnastique

La gymnastique aide à développer la flexibilité.

English translation of La gymnastique aide à développer la flexibilité.

Gymnastics helps to develop flexibility.

This sentence expresses the benefits of gymnastics. In this case, it suggests that gymnastics contributes to increased flexibility.

La salle de gymnastique est ouverte jusqu'à 22 heures.

English translation of La salle de gymnastique est ouverte jusqu'à 22 heures.

The gymnastics room is open until 10 PM.

This sentence provides specific information about the operational hours of a gymnastics facility.

Je fais de la gymnastique tous les jours.

English translation of Je fais de la gymnastique tous les jours.

I do gymnastics every day.

This sentence is indicative of a daily routine or habit. It suggests that the subject engages in gymnastics every day.

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